

ARPAS Code of Ethics

Professional Animal Scientists will uphold the ARPAS Code of Ethics, which is as follows:

Animal science is and will continue to be, an important profession to the physical, personal and economic well being of society. Animal scientists have earned positions and authority that will enable them to fulfill their responsibilities and render effective service to humanity. In order that the credibility of the profession be maintained, the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists has established this code of ethics to define the professional conduct and obligations binding its members.

Every animal scientist incurs an obligation to advance the science and art of the profession, to guard and uphold its high standards and conform to the best principles of professional conduct.

It is the duty of an animal scientist to take part in sustaining the laws, institutions and burdens relating to all facets of the care and husbandry of animals and of the animal science profession.

An animal scientist will:

  1. Have proper regard for the safety, health, environment and welfare of the public in the performance of professional duties.
  2. Have proper regard for the safety, health, environment and comfort of animals.
  3. Express an opinion on subjects related to the animal sciences only when it is founded on adequate knowledge and honest conviction.
  4. Act in professional matters as a faithful agent or trustee for each employer or client.
  5. Indicate to each employer, employee or client the alternatives and the adverse consequences to be expected if sound scientific judgment is not followed.
  6. Act fairly and justly toward vendors, contractors and commercial applicators, recommending products and services only when appropriate and on the basis of merit and value.
  7. Inform each employer or client of personal interest (financial or otherwise) in any vendor or contractor, or in any invention, machine or apparatus which is involved in a project or work of employer or client, and not allow such interest to affect decisions regarding services to be performed.
  8. Refrain from associating with or allowing their name to be used by an enterprise of questionable character and not knowingly engage in illegal work or cooperate with those so engaged.
  9. Report to the Registry any persons or organizations using the words animal scientists, animal science or derivatives thereof in a manner implying performance or supervision by a Professional Animal Scientist when such is not true.
  10. Undertake only those animal science assignments for which qualified, and engage or advise employer or client to engage other specialists and cooperate with them whenever employer’s or client’s interests are served best by such an agreement.
  11. Not disclose information concerning the business affairs or technical processes of any present or former employers or clients without their consent.
  12. Not accept compensation, financial or otherwise, from more than one party for the same service, or for other services pertaining to the same work, without the consent of all interested parties.
  13. Engage in supplementary employment or consulting practice only if full-time employer is fully aware of such an activity.
  14. Ensure that credit for animal sciences work is given to those to whom the credit is properly due.
  15. Cooperate in improving the profession by exchanging general information and experience with fellow animal scientists and by contributing to the work of technical societies and the technical press, where such information does not conflict with the interests of employer or client.
  16. Provide prospective animal science employees with complete information on working conditions and their proposed status of employment and after employment keep them informed of any changes.
  17. Uphold the principle of appropriate professional opportunity and development and adequate compensation for those engaged in animal sciences work, including those in subordinate capacities.
  18. Not intentionally or maliciously injure the professional reputation, prospects or practice of another animal scientist. However, if adequate proof exists that another animal scientist has been unethical, illegal or unfair in animal science practice, the Registry should be so advised.
  19. Cooperate in advancing the animal science profession and promote solidarity and harmony herein by interchanging information and experience with other animal scientists, by respecting their judgment and by supporting them collectively and individually whenever possible against unjust claims and accusations.
  20. Violations of the Code of Ethics should be reported to the Chairman of the Ethics Committee. The Committee will be responsible to investigate the violations according to procedures in the Constitution. They will recommend revocation of registration to the person(s) involved if appropriate.