Thank You to the Reviewers for Applied Animal Science

Thank you to all of our reviewers for Applied Animal Science. As the journal continues to improve in quality and citations, your contributions are very important. The editors, authors, and readers, as well as the ARPAS Governing Council, appreciate your contributions to the quality of articles published in the journal and hope that you will be willing to contribute reviews in the future. Scientists, consultants, and practitioners, whether in academia, industry, or government, have many demands competing for their time, and we recognize your generosity in sharing your time and expertise with the journal.

Reviewers who provide clear, fair, and unbiased reviews of manuscripts are a cornerstone of the publication’s process, and we sincerely acknowledge your contributions to this process. We hope you also will consider Applied Animal Science as a publication outlet for your research and professional perspectives and work in the near future. When you receive an invitation to review, we hope you will continue to participate in the peer-review process with us.

If you are interested in reviewing articles for Applied Animal Science, please email us.


Best regards,
David K. Beede, PhD, Diplomate ACAN-ARPAS
Editor-in-Chief, Applied Animal Science

Reviewer Appreciation for 2023

Sincere thanks to all reviewers for their time and expertise in evaluating manuscripts in 2023. The authors, editors, and readers of Applied Animal Science appreciate your service to the journal.

Chanelle Acheamfour

Adeola Victor Adegoke

Amin Ahmadzadeh

Matthew S. Akins

Samat Amat

David P. Anderson

Shawn Louis Archibeque

Alex Bach

Eric Bailey

Jason Banta

Paul A. Beck

Matt Beck

Erika Berg

Scott Beyer

Erin Beyer

Dale A. Blasi

Benjamin Mark Bohrer

Barry J. Bradford

Derek Brake

Mark Branine

Jameson Brennan

Rand Broadway

Mike S. Brown

Richard Browning

Kenneth Holton Burdine

Daniel D. Buskirk

Luciano Caixeta

Todd R. Callaway

Pedro Carvalho

Damiano Cavallini

Alex V. Chaves

Chongxiao Chen

Andres Cibils

Ken Coffey

Andy Cole

Tyler Cozzens

Matt Cravey

Thomas D. Crenshaw

Hannah Cunningham-Hollinger

R.A. Cushman

Michelle DeBoer

Tim DelCurto

Frank Delfino

Joel M. DeRouchey

Trevor DeVries

Alfredo DiCostanzo

Nicolas DiLorenzo

Robert Dove

James K. Drackley

Glenn Duff

Galen E. Erickson

Peter S. Erickson

Maria Victoria Falceto

Tara L. Felix

Gonzalo Ferreira

Michael D. Flythe

Pedro L.P. Fontes

Blake Foraker

Forest Francis

Rick Funston

Shane Gadberry

Michael Galyean

Matthew Garcia

Andrea J. Garmyn

Konagh Garret

Wes Gentry

Craig Gifford

Jesse Goff

Robert D. Goodband

Vinicius N. Gouvea

Richard J. Grant

Laura Greiner

Tanya Gressley

Joshua Gurtler

Kristin E. Hales

John B. Hall

Stephanie Hansen

Karl Harborth

Flint W. Harrelson

Kelsey M. Harvey

Fawzy Hashem

Kris Hiney

Travis William Hoffman

Young Jang

Aubrey Jaqueth

Jenny Jennings

Sandy Johnson

Susan Maggie Justice

William Christian Kayser

Elizabeth Kegley

Sarah Klopatek

Stephen Koontz

Kirby Craig Krogstad

Anne Laarman

Phillip Lancaster

Antonio Landaeta-Hernández

Ryan Larsen

Ty E. Lawrence

Ian Lean

Jeffrey W. Lehmkuhler

Rocky Lemus

Sung Don Lim

Merlin Lindemann

Sara Linneen

Michael Looper

Juan Loor

Jim MacDonald

Joshua G. Maples

Leoni Martins

Daniel Mathew

Tim McAllister

John Patrick McNamara

Omarh F. Mendoza

Danilo Domingues Millen

Byeng Min

James Lee Mitchell

Bryan Neville

Shelly Nolin

Carl A. Old

James W. Oltjen

Jane A. Parish

Tansol Park

Gregory B. Penner

George Perry

Pablo Pinedo

Matt Poore

Shea Porr

Jacquelyn Marie Prestegaard-Wilson

Robbi H. Pritchard

J. Richard Pursley

Kathryn Reif

Ryan Reuter

Gabriel O. Ribeiro

John T. Richeson

Daniel Rivera

Heidi A. Rossow

Monte Rouquette

Troy Rowan

Warren Rusche

Kendall Samuelson

William Sanchez

Nicole Sanchez

Jhones Sarturi

John Derek Scasta

Dan Schaefer

Jon Schoonmaker

Lee Schulz

Jakyeom Seo

Daniel W. Shike

Ed J. Smith

William Brandon Smith

Zach Smith

Trent Smith

Kathy Soder

Lynn E. Sollenberger

Jaeyong Song

Casey Spackman

Jessica Lynn Sperber

Tess C. Stahl

Whit C. Stewart

William Stone

Kendall Swanson

Josh Szasz

Miles E. Theurer

Logan Thompson

Dan Thomson

Colin Tyrel Tobin

Tsung Cheng Tsai

Jim Tully

Michael Van Amburgh

Megan Van Emon

Joao M.B. Vendramini

Diwakar Vyas

Justin W. Waggoner

John J. Wagner

Carrie Walk

Ryon Walker

Julie A. Walker

Lee Anne Walter

Jason Warner

Richard Carl Waterman

R.L. Weaber

Eric Weaver

Jim Wells

Robert P. Wettemann

Robin White

Tryon Atley Wickersham

Karla H. Wilke

Dale Woerner

Jim Wells

Anna Wolc

Alyssa B. Word

Cody Wright