Northwest Chapter

The Northwest Chapter of ARPAS (ARPAS-NW) represents members located or interested in the regions of Idaho, MontanaOregonUtah, and Washington in the US; and British Columbia and Alberta in Canada.


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2024–2025 Officers

Michelle Whiteside, PAS
Simplot Western Stockmens

Benton Glaze, PhD, PAS
University of Idaho

Past President
John Hall, PhD, PAS
University of Idaho

Chad J. Mueller, PhD, PAS
Eastern Oregon University

William “Bill” Sanchez, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAS
The Potter’s Vineyard

Director 1
David Miller, PAS
CHS Farmers Elevator

Director 2
Sergio Arispe, PhD, PAS
Oregon State University

Director 3
Marty Short, PAS
Intermountain Farmers Association

2023–2024 Officers

John Hall, PhD, PAS
University of Idaho

Michelle Whiteside, PAS
Simplot Western Stockmens

Past President
Evin Sharman, PhD, PAS
Phibro Animal Health

Chad J. Mueller, PhD, PAS
Eastern Oregon University

William “Bill” Sanchez, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAS
The Potter’s Vineyard

Director 1
Benton Glaze, PhD, PAS
University of Idaho

Director 2
David Miller, PAS
CHS Farmers Elevator

Director 3
Sergio Arispe, PhD, PAS
Oregon State University

Liaison to the Pacific NW Animal Nutrition Conference
Anne Laarman, PhD, PAS
University of Alberta

2022–2023 Officers

James “Jim” L. Sullivan, PhD, PAS
Novus International Inc.

Evin Sharman, PhD, PAS
Phibro Animal Health

Past President
Chad Mueller, PhD, PAS
Oregon State University

William “Bill” Sanchez, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAS
The Potter’s Vineyard

Director 1
John B. Hall, PhD, PAS
University of Idaho

Director 2
Michelle Whiteside, PAS
Simplot Western Stockmens

Director 3
Benton Glaze, PhD, PAS
University of Idaho

Liaison to the Pacific NW Animal Nutrition Conference
Pedram Rezamand, PhD, PAS
University of Idaho