ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Outgoing President's Letter

Bob Wettemann, PAS, Dipl. ACAS

Accomplishments of ARPAS during the last year were possible because of the excellent guidance and dedication of our Executive Vice President, Kenneth Cummings. By his fine examples, Kenneth keeps us organized and inspires members to be active. I deeply appreciated his leadership and helpful approach. 

I will give an update on some of the activities of ARPAS during the past 12 months. In August 2015 we signed an agreement with Elsevier for them to publish The Professional Animal Scientist (PAS), commencing with volume 32 in February 2016. We are pleased with the innovative changes that have occurred with PAS. Wayne Kellogg, Susan Pollock of FASS, and the Governing Council determined that this new partnership will enhance our mission. Review and preparation of manuscripts will continue as in recent years by our editorial team of Wayne Kellogg, Stacey Gunter, and Andy Cole working with the editorial board. After preparation of the manuscripts, Elsevier will publish PAS and make PAS available to new audiences to increase exposure and the number of readers. Marketing of PAS by Elsevier should increase the number of manuscripts submitted and published, enhance the value of PAS to members, increase membership in ARPAS, and decrease our cost of production of the PAS journal. All issues of PAS, beginning with volume 1, are now searchable and available online.

A change in our ARPAS annual meeting will begin in 2017, because ADSA and ASAS will not have joint annual meetings. A majority of ARPAS members are members of ADSA, ASAS, or both; thus, JAM has been the location of choice to have ARPAS annual meetings and symposia in recent years. After much discussion it was decided that the ARPAS annual meeting should rotate between annual meetings of ADSA and ASAS to have successful meetings because travel costs and time would prevent ARPAS members from attending a stand-alone meeting. Based on the locations of meetings of ADSA and ASAS in the next two years, it was determined that ARPAS would meet with ASAS in Baltimore in 2017 and with ADSA in Knoxville for 2018. 

A committee, including the ARPAS Executive Committee, reviewed and suggested changes to the ARPAS Bylaws. Many of the changes were editorial changes, but there were five substantial changes: 1) Procedure for online and hard copy examinations for membership, 2) Ethics, use of logo of the Registry and title, 3) Association of Regional Directors with standing committees, 4) Identification of Affiliated Societies, 5) Affiliation with Chapter may require payment of the annual dues. Members strongly supported the changes by the vote that was completed in July 2016, and the revised Bylaws are on the website. 

We have started the process for development of a new strategic plan for ARPAS and to identify strategic directions or projects that will be accomplished each year during the next 5 years. Many changes have occurred in animal agriculture since the formation of ARPAS. We should develop a "vision for the future" for ARPAS. Programs and activities needed for ARPAS in 5 years or in 10 years will be determined. A committee has been formed, and a questionnaire will be sent to all members in the next month to receive input for the future of ARPAS. 

ARPAS continues to provide networking and educational opportunities for members. The number of chapters and the activities of chapters have increased. Please continue to explain the value of ARPAS membership and certification of credentials to students as they initiate careers. There will be many occasions in the future when ARPAS can assist members meet the challenges that will face the animal industries. 

My year as President of ARPAS has been an honor and enjoyable. I want to thank each and every member of ARPAS for their participation and concern. I look forward to working with President Jeff DeFrain and President-Elect John Bernard during the next year to continue the tradition of ARPAS to support members working in animal agriculture.

Bob Wettemann, PAS, Dipl. ACAS