ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist Awards Recipients

SuperUser Account Categories: Awards, August 2014
Any ARPAS member may nominate a worthy emeritus member for this award and the final selection will be made by the executive committee with approval from the governing council. The ARPAS Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist award will be bestowed annually on emeritus or retired members of ARPAS that meet the following criteria:

1. Been an active member of ARPAS for at least 10 (10) years before retirement from active membership.

2. Served in a leadership role in ARPAS during their active membership. Leadership positions are defined as officers, directors, representatives, and committee members at the national or chapter level.

3. Made a significant contribution to the animal sciences through teaching, research, service, or industry during their active professional career.

4. The number of awards each year will not exceed 0.2% of the total ARPAS membership.

The recipients for 2014 are:

Dr. William A. Olson.

A native of Minnesota, he received his PhD in nutrition and physiological chemistry (1962), his MS in nutrition and biochemistry (1960), and a BS in agriculture (1954), all from the University of Minnesota. He has been a member of the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) since 1958. He joined ARPAS early in its history (early 1980s).

Dr. Olson worked for Pfizer, SmithKline & French Laboratories, and Hazleton Research Laboratories before establishing his own consulting firm, the Center for Regulatory Services, Inc. This organization is dedicated to providing consultation to the industry in meeting the regulatory requirements of government agencies and keeping them abreast of requirements for good study design, good laboratory practices, and statistical documentation. He is responsible for bringing over 20 animal feed additives or animal drugs to the market to enhance animal production. In addition, Dr. Olson is willing to share his expertise generously in open public meetings and animal science functions. He is a strong supporter of the Federation of Animal Science Societies (FASS) Washington DC office (before FASS, the ASAS office) to ensure that animal scientists are represented and aware of the political and regulatory issues that could directly affect them. Dr. Olson has worked hand-in-hand with these offices to ensure their effectiveness. Likewise, he was a charter member of the Regulatory Agencies Committee of ASAS and the FASS-Food Safety, Animal Drugs, and Animal Health Committee. The chair of these committees considers his long-term dedication to these committees to be unsurpassed.

Dr. Olson and Mr. Lee Boyd, a past recipient of this award, were the founders of the Washington DC area chapter of ARPAS in 1986. Dr. Olson served as the first President of the Chapter in 1986/1987. This chapter actively meets on a monthly basis with a speaker luncheon and has a yearly spring symposia. This model for the Washington DC area chapter was implemented by the chapter founders and continues to this day, providing relevant and important functions for chapter members. Dr. Olson has participated in chapter committees, assuring that the chapter has thrived. He has also served the chapter as Past President and Director at Large. Dr. Olson was the recipient of the chapter’s Distinguished Service Award in 1992.

Dr. Arthur P. Raun.


Born in Upland, Nebraska, in 1934, he attended elementary school in the country near Upland and high school in Minden, Nebraska. His undergraduate degree was from the University of Nebraska (1955), where he majored in technical science-agriculture. He was a very involved member of Alpha Gamma Rho, Innocents Society, Student Council, Agriculture Executive Board, Block and Bridle Club, Corn Cobs, Kosmet Klub, and Air Force ROTC. His undergraduate advisor was Dr. Johnny Matsushima, a well-respected animal scientist.

His graduate degrees are from Iowa State University, where his major professor was Dr. Wise Burroughs (another well-respected animal scientist). He received his MS in animal nutrition in 1956 and his PhD in animal nutrition in 1958.

Dr. Raun then served in the United States Air Force (1958–1962) with the rank of First Lieutenant/Captain (reserve). He spent one year at the Wright-Patterson Aero Medical Laboratory in Dayton, Ohio, where he conducted research on the biological effects of ionizing radiation. He was then transferred to the US Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in 1959 and spent 3 years as an Assistant Professor of Physiology and Chemistry teaching human physiology.

His professional civilian career was spent at the Lilly Research Laboratories, Eli Lilly and Co., Inc. (1962–1992), where his first position was as senior scientist in charge of ruminant nutrition research. He conducted development research on use of several drug- and feed-additive treatments for beef cattle, including diethylstilbestrol, progestins, other steroids, and antibiotics. He did research defining the greater activity of diethylstilbestrol in cattle and sheep. Dr. Raun directed the efficacy research on the use of Tylan for control of liver abscesses in feedlot cattle. His most notable accomplishment was discovery of the utility of the ionophorous antibiotics for modifying the production of propionic acid in the rumen and, in turn, improving the efficiency of feed utilization by ruminants (cattle and sheep). This work discovered monensin (Rumensin) as a cattle feed additive. Rumensin has been used in the cattle feedlot industry since its registration by the Food and Drug Administration in 1975.This discovery led to recognition in the Silver Anniversary issue of BEEF magazine as one of the 25 people who have made a difference in the beef industry in the preceding 25 years.

He also served as Head of Animal Science Field Research (US), Head of Animal Nutrition and Physiology Discovery Research, Director of Animal Science Research, Director of Animal Science Development Research, and Technical Director of Elanco Animal Health. Dr. Raun is a member of ARPAS and is board certified in nutrition. He has served multiple times as Director and was President of ARPAS in 1995–1996.

He has been involved in several professional and community organizations, including ASAS (having served on numerous committees, as Director of the Midwest Section, and 2 terms as National Director). He was recognized as a Fellow of ASAS in 1993. He was a member of the Nutrition Council of the American Feed Industry Association (served as committee chairman, Chairman of the Council, and is a life member). Community organizations served by Dr. Raun include the Presbyterian Church and The Boy Scouts of America (worked in various roles for over 17 years and received the award of Silver Beaver.) He has authored over 50 scientific publications, reviews, and abstracts, and holds 8 patents.

With his wife Ruth, he currently operates a cow-calf operation in Colorado and Nebraska producing F1 Hereford × Angus replacement heifers. Since starting the ranching operation they have received the District Conservationist of the Year Award.

Dr. Gary Potter.

Potter is Professor Emeritus of equine science at Texas A & M University and owner and manager of an equine consulting firm. He was born in Arkansas and grew up on diversified cattle, horse, and crops farms. He received his BS at Arkansas State College (1964) in animal husbandry and biology and his MS (1965) and PhD degrees (1968) in animal nutrition, biochemistry and physiology from the University of Kentucky.

He is member of ARPAS and a Charter Diplomat of the American College of Animal Nutrition. His service to ARPAS includes time on the Board of Directors (1991–1998), as President Elect (1995–96), and as President (1996–97). His professional experience includes Assistant Extension Professor of Equine (1969–72) at the University of Kentucky, Associate Professor and Extension Horse Specialist (1972–75) at Texas A&M University, Associate Professor in Equine Sciences (1975–78) at Texas A&M University, Professor and Leader in Equine Sciences (1978–2005) at Texas A&M University, and Consultant for Potter Enterprises (2005–present).

Some of Dr. Potter’s professional appointments include: Scientific Advisory Board, Applied Veterinary Genomics (2003–present); National Research Council, Committee on Animal Nutrition (1995–1998); Secretary-Treasurer (1977–79), Vice-president (1979–81), President (1981–83), and Board of Directors (1983–85) for Equine Nutrition and Physiology Society; Journal of Equine Veterinary Science Advisory and Editorial Board (1995-Present); American Society of Animal Science Industry Liaison Committee-Horse American Quarter Horse Association; and American Paint Horse Association National Reined Cow Horse Association Approved Judge.

His professional accomplishments include establishment of a laboratory at Texas A&M University for the study of quantitative digestion in different segments of the digestive tract in cattle, sheep and horses. He developed an undergraduate and graduate program in equine sciences at Texas A&M University and taught over 3,000 undergraduate students. He coached 21 national champion horse-judging teams and organized the varsity women’s equestrian team at Texas A&M University. He served as major professor for 121 graduate students and served on the graduate committee of 71 graduate students. He secured $1,714,151 in grants to support graduate students’ research and established the N. W. “Dick” Freeman endowment to support graduate students’ research.

Dr. Potter has published over 490 scientific and professional papers on equine nutrition, exercise physiology and behavior, and ruminant nutrition. He has presented the results of his research and conducted educational or consulting work for the horse industry and feed industry in 47 states, and in Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Brazil, Paraguay, England, France, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, Japan, China and Australia.

Honors and awards presented to Dr. Potter include Golden Key International Honor Society—Honorary Member, 2001; Outstanding Research Award, American Feed Industry Association, 2001; Distinguished Alumnus Award, College of Agriculture, Arkansas State University, 1998; Outstanding Service Award, National Research Council, Board on Agriculture, 1998; Distinguished Service Award, Equine Nutrition and Physiology Society, 1997; Deputy Chancellor’s Award in Excellence for Graduate Teaching, Texas A&M University, 1993; Honor Professor Award, TAMU Student Agricultural Council, 1992; Distinguished Service Award, Farmland Industries, 1992; Leadership Award, National Horse-Judging Team Coaches Association, 1989; Amoco Foundation Award for Outstanding Teaching, Texas A&M University, 1981; Deputy Chancellor for Agriculture Teaching Award, Texas A&M University, 1980; Superior Service Award, Texas Agricultural Extension Service, 1976; and major professor of graduate students winning numerous international and national research paper competition awards.

Last, but not least, Dr. Potter plays bluegrass music semi-professionally.
