ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Ethics Committee Report

Joanne Knapp, Ph.D. PAS, Ethics Committee Chair

SuperUser Account Categories: Reports, April 2014
The Ethics Committee has handled two formal complaints during the past year. One complaint was filed by a member regarding the sales promotion practices of a feed manufacturer. The committee found that the practice did violate the ARPAS Code of Ethics, and followed up with the company accordingly. The company responded very positively. 

The second complaint involved lack of credit or acknowledgement of original work in an article published in a lay periodical. The committee found that the lack of cited references was due to the editorial policy and process of the magazine and not the author's fault. We are working with publishers to make the references in technical articles available to readers, and they have responded positively. We would encourage people who are submitting articles to lay magazines that don't print literature citations to make direct references to the original work in the body of the text, i.e. "Knapp et al. (2004)" rather than the vague "Researchers in Vermont".

The Ethics Committee has recognized that there is a need to increase awareness of ethics and professionalism throughout the feed and livestock industries, from livestock operation owners to corporate management. We will be submitting articles on ethics and professionalism to lay publications including FeedstuffsNational Hog FarmerPig ProgressProgressive DairymanHoard's Dairyman, etc. If you think of other publications that these articles should be sent to, please contact me at We're also looking for contributors who can write up case studies where their professionalism has added value to their clients, customers, or company. These case studies articles will be submitted to the appropriate lay magazine.

Lastly, we would encourage any member who thinks an ethics violation might have occurred to contact me, Dr. Mike Galyean, President, or Dr. Kenneth Cummings, Executive Vice-President, to discuss the situation.