ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Report of the Washington DC Area Chapter of ARPAS

SuperUser Account Categories: Chapter Reports, August 2013
On Wednesday, May 1, 2013, the Washington DC Area Chapter of ARPAS held their annual mini-symposium at the Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center with about 35 individuals in attendance. The title of the mini-symposium was “Nanotechnology – Potential Applications in Food, Feed, Agricultural Production, and Research”. Six speakers discussed the history of nanotechnology and how it can be used to solve biological problems. The program high-lighted both the benefits and some of the science-based and regulatory challenges associated with the use of nanotechnology. 

Following the mini-symposium, the Washington DC Area Chapter of ARPAS held its annual awards banquet at the Holiday Inn in College Park, Maryland. Thirty-three individuals attended the banquet. Ms. Tracey Forfa, Deputy Director, FDA – Center for Veterinary Medicine in Rockville, Maryland gave a rousing key-note presentation entitled “Living with Animals: Who Love us Despite Ourselves”. Academic Achievement Awards in the amount of $200.00 each were given to four undergraduate students in the Department of Animal and Avian Sciences at the University of Maryland. The recipients were: Steven J. Moirano and Caroline A. Murray, both Juniors and Zachary A. Pilossoph and Rachel Sclarsky, both Seniors. The Dr. Vernon G. Pursel Memorial Distinguished Service Award was presented to Dr. Scott Lough, Chemist at the USDA, Agricultural Marketing Service, Science and Technology Program, Technical Services Staff in Washington, DC. Dr. Lough has been involved with the Washington DC Area Chapter of ARPAS for a number of years and he has served the Chapter as Treasurer, Director-at-Large, President-Elect, and President. 

The Chapter officers for 2013/2014 are: Dr. Padmakumar Pillai, President; Dr. Adam Orr, President-Elect; Dr. Robin Keyser, Secretary; Dr. William Price, Treasurer; and Dr. Scott Lough, Past-President. 

Directors-at-Large for 2013/2014 are: Dr. Theodore Elsasser; Ms. Jennifer Woodward-Greene; Dr. Rial Christensen; Dr. Gerald Poley; Dr. George Wiggans; and Dr. Jessica Meisinger. 