ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Professional Relations Committee Report

Paul Beck, PhD, PAS, Southern Director

SuperUser Account Categories: Reports, December 2012
ARPAS has a long and successful history of building relationships with animal scientists in academia and industry. The Professional Relations Committees in the past have done tremendous work using these relationships to provide benefits to corporate sponsors and garner support for our organization. A not insignificant part of the support for ARPAS is from gifts from our corporate sponsors and we would like to thank those companies that have supported us in the past!

ARPAS has initiated the use of a tiered support system. 
Platinum $2,500 per year 
Gold $1,500 per year 
Silver $1,000 per year 
Bronze $500 per year

The level of corporate giving to ARPAS has declined over the last several years. This can be attributed to many factors, but the fact remains that support of ARPAS has benefits to companies far in excess of the cost. These benefits include:

Recognition and visibility on ARPAS web page: 
Inclusion on a list of Sponsors with the potential for company listing in a prominent place on the ARPAS web page. 

Listing in ARPAS publications and with ARPAS Exhibit: 

All sponsors will be included on a list of Sponsors indicating the category of sponsorship, which will be included in each issue of the journal and in the Membership Directory. In addition, sponsors will be listed on a sign at ARPAS exhibit booth at conventions, conferences and major meetings. 

Complimentary ad space: 
In the Professional Animal Scientist (PAS) journal if the Sponsor chooses to supply an ad for this benefit option. 
Sizes of ads will be: 
Platinum - One full page each issue 
Gold - One-half page each issue 
Silver - One-quarter page each issue 
Bronze - Business card size each issue 

Copies of Publications: Copies of the PAS journal will be supplied to Corporate Sponsors at their request 

As we continue with the campaign to gain corporate support for next year I urge all ARPAS members to contact fellow member working in industry to support our organization with continued support. You can help us by requesting an ARPAS Sponsorship Brochure from our website for use within your company or to send to a friend.