ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Professional Relations Committee Report

Dana J. Tomlinson, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAS

SuperUser Account Categories: Reports, August 2012

A key component of our activities is maintaining corporate sponsorships. For 2011/2012 we received $18,000 in corporate sponsorship for the National Chapter of ARPAS; this is fantastic, but there is no question we need more. It has become very apparent that personal communication and a relationship is the key to our corporate sponsorships. A plea went out to the general membership in December to encourage each active member to solicit participation of their parent company as a corporate sponsor of ARPAS. With absolutely no response, it is apparent few people actually read the newsletter. To the best of my knowledge we have yet to have a member or company request the free membership option as a benefit of a corporate sponsorship.

I continue to stress that all on the Governing Council and especially those on the Public Relations Committee need to make a special effort to encourage those in local chapters to solicit corporate sponsorships. Our local chapters are growing and they need the guidance and support of our National ARPAS organization to become the strong educational groups that they aspire to be. So, when we attend these meetings we should voice a quick request to those in attendance about our need for participation.

Thank you for the opportunity to have served on the Governing Council and chair of the Professional Relations Committee. As the outgoing director, I will be happy to share any and all committee minutes and potential sponsor lists with the new Southeastern Region Director.