ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Message from the President

John J. Wagner, Ph.D., PAS, Diplomate ACAN

At this time I would like to announce the recipients of the 2012 Distinguished Professional Animal Scientists Awards. The honorees are Dr. Leonard S. Bull, Professor Emeritus of Animal Science and Poultry Science, North Carolina State University; Dr. Ray Hinders (deceased 2011), Private Dairy Consultant, California; and Dr. Vernon G. Pursel (deceased 2011), Research Reproductive Physiologist with the USDA-ARS, Beltsville, Maryland. Detailed biographies of these distinguished individuals are located elsewhere in this news letter.

As I pen (word process?) these few comments, Southeast Colorado is finally receiving some moisture. What a remarkable season for weather? Attendees at the Midwest Animal and Dairy Science Society meetings in Des Moines, Iowa enjoyed 70°F high temperature surrounded by green grass in mid-March. In previous years I remember attending the Midwest meetings during horrific snow storms. It was 96°F in Lamar 2 days ago and today it is raining and 40°F. The economic climate in Animal Agriculture is just as volatile. Livestock prices are indeed strong; however, the cost of inputs, particularly inputs related to oil prices such as feed and transportation are at or very near record highs.

What remains constant among this economic turmoil is the need to provide quality services and recommendations for our clientele. Working through local chapters as well as the national ARPAS organization provides an excellent opportunity for members to remain current in their field of expertise through continuing education and networking with colleagues. I urge all members to submit their CEUs and pay their dues to the organization in a timely fashion to ensure that their membership remains current.

I learned just the other day that an Animal Science Department in one of the primarily agricultural states of the Midwest had no ARPAS members among the faculty on campus for that institution. I guess this is not all that shocking considering the expansion of the numbers of faculty working in the “Biotech” arenas at the expense of the more traditional production and management disciplines. I am asking for volunteers from each state to participate in recruiting activities aimed at each of the Land Grant Universities. There are hundreds of potential new members in each state if we reach out to Graduate and Undergraduate Students as well as Faculty at each of the Land Grant Universities. Please contact me if you have a desire to help recruit new members.

The final item I want to mention is the need for all members of the organization to participate in the electoral process. During the next few weeks we will be voting to fill key leadership positions within the organization. Please cast your ballots for the candidates of your choice.

Have a great spring and early summer. I am looking forward to seeing many of you in Phoenix, AZ for our annual meeting.