ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

DUES and CEU’S: A Regular Newsletter Feature?

Kenneth Cummings, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAN, Exec. VP, ARPAS

SuperUser Account Categories: Uncategorized, December 2011

Hopefully, you received a notice from FASS to pay dues for one or more Animal Science Societies and ARPAS by email or letter about a month ago. Dues for several of our Chapters are also payable along with your annual ARPAS dues.

At the same time you pay your dues, you should update your CEU’s. You alone are responsible for reporting your participation in meetings approved for ARPAS credit. We do not know which meetings you attend. All we can do is to encourage the various meeting organizers to request evaluation of their meeting content for ARPAS CEU’s well in advance of the meeting and to inform you of the ARPAS credit allowed. Reporting of CEU’s can be done from the ARPAS website or by sending Yvona an email. You can also determine your CEU status on the website but you will need to use your membership number. You should also look for alternative sources for obtaining CEU’s. We have recently approved a number of webinars for ARPAS CEU’s so if travel is restricted, you can still find a way to keep current. Available meetings are posted on our website. If you attend a meeting that has not been pre-approved, please send me or Yvona at the ARPAS office the program and we will evaluate it for credit.

The strength of this organization is a continuing supply of members who are willing to step up to a leadership position. If you have an interest in being on the Governing Council or one of our many committees, please contact me or one of the Executive Committee or Governing Council members. We will be happy to share the load and anxious to put you to work. 