ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Corporate Sponsorship Report

Dana J. Tomlinson, PhD, PAS, Dipl ACAS

SuperUser Account Categories: Reports, December 2011

Are you an ARPAS member and employee of a company that does not support the National ARPAS organization? As an active member in the growing body of ARPAS chapters we need your help. So far this year we have received $20,000 in corporate sponsorship for the National Chapter of ARPAS, this is fantastic, but we need more and we need your help. The combination of corporate sponsorships and member’s yearly dues generate funds needed to keep our organization financially strong and able to provide training events such as our symposia held in conjunction with the ADSA/ASAS national meetings. Our committee has worked to grow our list of corporate sponsors but we find our best results come from within the organizations. Therefore, would you take a few minutes to go to and click on the sponsors tab on the left hand side of the window? Here you can find a listing of Sponsorship benefits, such as a free ARPAS membership for each $500 gift, Advertisement space in the ARPAS Journal and in our booth graphics along with complimentary copies of the journal.

Please take a few minutes from your busy schedules to consider this request and check with the appropriate person within your organization about becoming a corporate sponsor of the National ARPAS organization. Our local chapters are growing and they need the guidance and support of our National ARPAS organization to become the strong educational groups that they aspire to be.

If you have questions about how to get your company involved, please contact Dana Tomlinson at, Kenneth Cummings at , or Yvona Vlach at We will happily answer your questions and walk you through the process.