ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

California Chapter

Lawson Spicer, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAN

SuperUser Account Categories: Chapter Reports, December 2011
The CA Chapter of ARPAS continues to have many projects and is always working on how to better the financial use of chapter monies for enhancing animal agriculture. The fundraising entitled “Bang for Your Buck II” raised $9,600 in August, 2011 for the chapter. Bill Vogt made the activity very successful. 

The California Chapter Continuing Education Conference (CEC) 2011 held on October 27 and 28 was well attended. Four speakers - Jon Ramsey, Gerald Coombs, Gita Cherian and Mark Engstrom - furthered our knowledge on Oxidative Stress. Heidi Rossow gave an informative presentation on Estimating Feed Efficiancy. Also, Jenne Arcias spoke about the Safe Animal Feed Program. Two graduate students - Kara Ortega, UC Davis, and Amy Housman, Cal State Fresno, received scholarships from the CA Chapter. They both gave presentations on their research.

Ray Hinders was honored for his outstanding work in California agriculture and his involvement in the field of dairy nutrition. Mat Kelley reported that the revised website is up and running. The Alfalfa Hay Project is 95% finished, as reported by Carl Old and John Miller. 

At the October CEC meeting, the following new officers were elected:
President - Luis Rodriguez (Zinpro)
President Elect - Gerald Higgenbotham (Cooperative Extension)
Past President - Travis Taylor (TPI/ Nutra Blend)
Secretary - Andy Riordan (Nutri-Systems)
Director at Large - John Martin (Hunt & Behrens)

John Wagner, National ARPAS President, gave us an update of the national activities. We thanks Marit Arana for her tireless help.