ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Message from the President

Bill Braman, PhD, PAS

It is a distinct honor to serve as your ARPAS president and to provide an update on our activities. Later in the newsletter, you will see information on other ARPAS activities, including the Annual ARPAS Symposium in New Orleans and reports from the Nominating Committee, ARPAS Foundation, and Membership Committee, among others. 

As most of you know, we conducted a member survey last year to help your ARPAS leadership in developing a strategic plan for the future. I have tackled the responses to the question, “What should be the focus for ARPAS in the next five years?” A review of the comments revealed several recurring themes:
• To increase ARPAS visibility—“build the brand” and “tell the story”;
• To provide more education to membership; 
• To promote “science-based agriculture”; and
• To provide a professional and proactive voice to address issues of animal welfare, food safety, sustainability, and other topics.

Members are looking for ARPAS to become more proactive in addressing current issues that affect our industry and to increase the visibility of ARPAS as a certification. We will focus on your member input as we lay the foundation for the future sustainability and growth of ARPAS.

Regional chapters continue to evolve as two new chapters were chartered in 2010, the Northeast and Midwest Chapters, which are currently finalizing their by-laws for membership approval. I have had the pleasure of attending regional chapter meetings in 2010 and I will be attending the Southern Plains Chapter meeting in San Antonio in April. It is encouraging to see how our members are engaged in strengthening our organization.

The Nominating Committee, which includes the previous three presidents of ARPAS, has recruited an outstanding list of candidates for the open leadership positions. Please remember to vote on your future ARPAS leaders in the upcoming elections. Newly elected Governing Council members will assume their positions at the end of the July meetings in New Orleans.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your ARPAS president. Thanks to all of you who are contributing your time to make ARPAS a successful organization. Please feel free to let me know your suggestions and ideas on how membership in ARPAS can be more relevant to your job and career. I can be reached at (414) 607-5739 or by e-mail at