ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter


SuperUser Account Categories: Announcements, December 2010

ARPAS Professional Relations Committee Report

Now most of you may be thinking, "I don’t need to read this committee report," but read on because you may just find that you and your company can both benefit from a Corporate Sponsorship and get free membership in ARPAS. 

As our name implies, we the members of the Professional Relations Committee have been charged with the maintenance and growth of corporate sponsorships. To begin, we would like to thank those companies and individuals that have so generously given in light of the tough economics encountered in nearly all sectors of livestock production. As a not-for-profit organization, we depend on both membership dues and the generous gifts of our industry partners to sustain and grow our organization. However, much like the economy, the level of corporate participation has waned in the last two years. We fully realize that companies have tightened their marketing budgets and restricted the amount of philanthropic giving they enjoyed in the past. With this in mind, our committee set out to find ways to encourage continued giving in a way that would benefit both our organization and our sponsors.

We proposed initiation of a new program offering a graded scale of membership remissions to any company or individual giving more than $500 to ARPAS. The program was presented to the governing board at our meeting held this summer in Denver, Colorado, and was accepted for implementation this fall. Specifically, the program allows for one membership remission per $500 given to the ARPAS organization and increases with each $500: $1,000 – two free memberships, $1,500 – three memberships, and so on. Each sponsor will need to designate who in their organization will receive the sponsored membership remission. The categories of sponsorship are Corporate Sponsors (Platinum $2,500, Gold $1,500, Silver $1,000, and Bronze $500) and Organizational Sponsors (trade, marketing, or professional organizations).

Platinum and Gold sponsors will be listed on the ARPAS website at, with Platinum sponsors permitted space for a byline and short company message. All sponsors will be recognized by category of sponsorship in all issues of the ARPAS journal, the Professional Animal Scientist, and displayed at the ARPAS exhibit at various conventions, conferences, and major meetings. The membership directory is publicly accessible on the ARPAS website, and whenever the membership directory is downloaded, entirely or in part, a listing of all sponsors will be included. 

Sponsorship has additional benefits:

• All sponsors have the option to include a complimentary ad in each issue of the Professional Animal Scientist based on category of membership as follows:

Corporate sponsors: full page page page card size

Organizational sponsors: one-half page

• Complimentary Copies of the Professional Animal Scientists
Sponsors will receive a complimentary copy of the Professional Animal Scientist journal and may designate a college or university where additional complimentary copies will be mailed. The total number of copies is based on the category of sponsorship as follows:

Corporate sponsors:
Platinum..........4 copies
Gold...............3 copies
Silver.............2 copies
Bronze............1 copy

Organizational sponsors: 2 copies

As members of the ARPAS organization, we would like your support in encouraging corporate sponsorship. We routinely send invitations to company representatives but find they often go to the wrong person and are quickly discarded. You can help us by requesting an ARPAS Sponsorship Brochure from our website or from Yvona Vlach ( 

Free membership is just a small gift ($500 contribution/membership) away. Please encourage your company to participate in Corporate Sponsorship, and your membership may be free.

Kindly submitted,
Dana J. Tomlinson, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAS
