ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Newsletter

2010 Penn State Dairy Cattle Nutrition Workshop and 1st Northeast Chapter Meeting Report

Kenneth Cummings, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAN

Categories: Chapter Reports, December 2010
The proceedings of the 2010 Penn State Dairy Cattle Nutrition Workshop are now available on our website at

The online proceedings includes all of the papers in the printed proceedings plus copies of the slides from many of the lectures and the slides and handouts from many breakout sessions. This resource (as well as proceedings from previous years) is provided at no cost to you; check it out! Additional information will be provided by some of the speakers and posted on this website.

This conference has grown significantly in participants. For you number crunchers, here are a few stats on this year’s conference. Total attendance was 542 people, including 158 ARPAS members, 30 veterinarians, and 24 students. Not counting exhibitors and speakers, 54% of the people registered were from Pennsylvania, 39% were from other US states, and 7% were from outside of the United States. 

ARPAS members attending this conference in 2009 voted to form the Northeast Chapter, and they held their first meeting during the 2010 conference. Over 40 members heard National ARPAS President Bill Braman report on ARPAS activities. He challenged the Northeast Chapter to develop programs that would enhance member opportunities for growth and continuing education and to seek additional venues for chapter meetings to accommodate other special interest groups. 

Braman stated that this chapter has sufficient ARPAS members residing in the Northeast to allow it to become the largest chapter of ARPAS. With 50 members, they will gain a seat on the ARPAS Governing Council. Kenneth Cummings, executive vice president of ARPAS, reminded the members that dues for the Northeast Chapter will be collected at the same time as national dues beginning in 2011. He also informed the members that ratification of the bylaws would be done by e-mail only by those members in attendance at this meeting. 

Chapter President Will Seymour conducted the annual election. Frank Janicki was elected president-elect and will become president in 2012. Incoming president for 2011 is Jud Heinrichs, with Mark Wagner and Tim Snyder as directors and Stephen Emanuele as secretary/treasurer. The ARPAS director for the Northeast, Pete Erickson, will be liaison to the ARPAS Governing Council until such time that the chapter reaches 50 members and appoints a chapter representative. President Seymour will continue on the Executive Committee as a director.

Mark your calendars now for next year’s conference and Northeast ARPAS meeting, November 9–10 at the Holiday Inn in Grantville, Pennsylvania.

Respectfully submitted,
Kenneth Cummings, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAN