ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter


Bill Braman, PhD, PAS

It is a distinct honor to serve as your ARPAS President this coming year. ARPAS is a very robust and dynamic organization and my goal is to continue to make ARPAS relevant to your needs as a member. ARPAS has gone through a major transition the past few years as several new regional chapters have formed that have increased the “grass roots” support for our ARPAS organization. Under past-President, Randy Shaver, several initiatives were started in 2009-10 which we will continue through my term as President.

A major initiative is completing the Strategic Planning process which included a survey of the on-line membership survey. We were encouraged with a membership response rate of over 30% to the survey which is indicative of the interest amongst the membership regarding the future direction of ARPAS. Sincere thanks to past-past President Marit Arana for her leadership of the Strategic Planning process and survey. These results will help lay a foundation for the future sustainability and growth of our organization.

New regional chapters are forming in the Northeast and Midwest based upon “grass roots” support. ARPAS By-law changes implemented this past year will allow members freedom to join a regional chapter outside of that member’s contiguous geography. It only takes 15 members to start the process of forming a local/regional chapter. 

The ARPAS sponsored Symposium at the Joint Annual Meeting in Denver with the topic “Nutrition Models –Where Are We Going In The Next Decade” drew over-flow attendance. ARPAS wants to thank Dr. John Metcalf, Nutreco-Canada; Dr. Mike Van Amburgh, Cornell University; Dr. Mike Hanigan, Virginia Polytechnic University; Dr. A. Bannick, Wageninen University, The Netherlands; and Dr. Richard Grant, Miner Institute for their outstanding and relevant presentations. Sincere thank you to Dalex Livestock Solutions and Venture Milling for their financial support of this Symposium. President-elect, Dr. John Wagner and the Program Committee will organize the 2011 Symposium

The ARPAS Foundation became official and received additional funding in 2010. Under the leadership of Darrell Johnson, a Foundation Committee was established which developed the Governing Council and member approved Foundation By-Laws. The Foundation Committee will focus on fund raising and supporting educational activities this coming year.

I want to thank those of you who are serving in leadership positions and ARPAS Standing Committees. There was an overwhelming interest in serving on these committees and we appreciate your willingness to serve. There will be special projects throughout this next year which will require additional members to serve and the opportunity to “give back” to the industry. The list of standing committees can be found at the ARPAS web site at

Finally, I want to thank past-president, Randy Shaver, for his outstanding leadership this past year. Many of the initiatives earlier mentioned begun under Randy’s tutelage. 

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your ARPAS President this coming year. Please feel free to let me know your suggestions and ideas of how ARPAS membership can be more relevant to your job and career. I can be reached at (414) 607-5739 or by e-mail at