ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist Awards for 2009

SuperUser Account Categories: Awards, August 2009
Six individuals were named as the initial recipients of the ARPAS Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist Awards. They were Bill Baumgardt, Dick Frahm, Virgil Hays, Connie Kercher, James Oldfield, and Wayne Perry. All served ARPAS as founders or in key leadership roles combined with distinguished professional careers in the animal sciences. 

The Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist Award is bestowed annually on members of ARPAS who have achieved or are eligible for emeritus status and have made significant contributions to the animal sciences during their active career. They also must have served in leadership positions within ARPAS. 

Baumgardt was the first executive director for ARPAS, serving from 1999 to 2002. He implemented many of the successful programs and policies that shaped ARPAS as we know it today. 

Frahm served ARPAS as secretary (1989–1993), southern director (1988–1990), and as our second executive vice-president (2002–2007).

Hays was the second president of ARPAS (1985–1986) and was instrumental in the formation of ARPAS. 

Kercher was western director of ARPAS from 1984 to 1987 and president in 1993–1994.

Oldfield served as the president of ARPAS in 1993–1994 and as editor of The Professional Animal Scientist from 1993 to 1996.

Perry was continually involved with ARPAS from its founding in 1984 until 2004. He served as secretary (1984–1989), treasurer (1984–1992), editor (1984–1988), and historian (1993–2004).

Because this was the inaugural year for the award, we exceeded our stated number of awards (0.3% of membership) to include all these deserving recipients. Each will be honored at an appropriate event of their choosing and given a certificate and a commemorative crystal paperweight engraved with their name. They have been granted lifetime membership in ARPAS with emeritus privileges.

We are grateful for the contributions each of these individuals made to ARPAS and to our profession of animal science.

As a reminder, any ARPAS member may nominate candidates for the 2010 award. Final selection will be made by the ARPAS Executive Committee with confirmation from the ARPAS Governing Council.