ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter


ARPAS President Marit Arana, PhD, PAS, Dipl ACAS

As spring is now here, the meeting season seems to be in full swing. I know that ARPAS has been represented at quite a few meetings in the last few months. I plan on attending the Discover Conference on Direct Fed Microbials in Indiana in April, and I will also be in Keystone, Colorado, for the Equine Science meetings at the end of May. If you know of anyone who would like to take the ARPAS exam at either of these locations, please have them contact me to arrange an exam time. My e-mail is They can also visit the Web site and see other locations where exams are being offered.

The new ARPAS Foundation is or will be finalized by the time you are reading this newsletter. Please visit the brief article on the foundation that is in this newsletter for more information. Please let your Executive Council know if you have any questions or comments about the ARPAS Foundation.

Remember to please help us get our new ARPAS logo out in the world. It is available to use on business cards, stationery, and in advertising materials. Please contact Susie at the ARPAS office, and she will arrange for you to be sent the logo file.

The Nominating Committee (our last three past presidents) has done an excellent job finding outstanding candidates for the open positions. So, don’t forget to vote in the upcoming ARPAS election—make your opinion count. Those individuals who are elected will take over their new positions at the end of the summer meeting in Montreal.