ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist—A New ARPAS Award

SuperUser Account Categories: Awards, April 2009

ARPAS is pleased to announce the establishment of a new award to honor emeritus members who have made significant service contributions to this organization and to the animal sciences. The name of the award is Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist. The first recipients will be announced at our 2008–2009 annual meeting in Montreal.

Any ARPAS member may nominate a worthy emeritus member for this award, and the final selection will be made by the Executive Committee with approval from the Governing Council. 

The guidelines for this award are as follows:

The ARPAS Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist award will be bestowed annually on emeritus members of ARPAS who have

  • Made significant contributions to the animal sciences during their active career.

  • Served in leadership positions within ARPAS and who have continued their membership in ARPAS as an emeritus member.

These individuals will be recognized by an article in the Newsletter and the PAS journal and with a tribute at our annual meeting. A suitable award will be presented to them on this occasion. They will also be granted lifetime membership in ARPAS with emeritus privileges.

The selection criteria are that nominees

  1. Must have been an active member of ARPAS for at least 10 years prior to retirement from active membership.

  2. Must have served in a leadership role in ARPAS during their active membership. Leadership positions are defined as officers, directors, representatives, and committee members at the national or chapter level.

  3. Must have made a significant contribution to the animal sciences through teaching, research, service, or industry during their active professional career.

Nominations may be made by any member of ARPAS. Final selection will be made by the ARPAS Executive Committee with confirmation from the ARPAS Governing Council. The number of awards each year will not exceed 0.3% of the total ARPAS membership.


The ARPAS Foundation

The American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists has recently established the ARPAS Foundation. The purpose for establishing this foundation is to provide a funding source for worthy educational efforts of ARPAS and its members that is not dependent on our annual budget. The Foundation is modeled somewhat after the American Dairy Science Association Foundation. The Foundation is still a function of ARPAS, and both are nonprofit entities for tax purposes.

This Foundation is organized separately from the ARPAS financial structure and is not funded as a part of the ARPAS annual budget or any current ARPAS reserve funds. Only the earnings from funds directed to the ARPAS Foundation will be used to further the educational efforts of the ARPAS Foundation. The initial governing body for the Foundation will be the ARPAS Executive Committee.

We have $20,000 that has already been directed to the ARPAS Foundation to establish a funding source for worthy educational activities for ARPAS members. Other ARPAS members are encouraged to consider making tax-deductible gifts to the Foundation. The ARPAS Executive Committee will soon be meeting to plan activities for fund-raising and to refine ideas for using the money earned by the assets of the Foundation.

The general principles and guidelines for operation of the ARPAS Foundation are as follows:

  1. The funds accumulated by the ARPAS Foundation are to be invested at the discretion of the ARPAS Executive Committee.

  2. Only the earnings from the invested funds may be used to support the educational efforts of the Foundation. The principal will not be used except under extreme circumstances as determined by the ARPAS Governing Council. 

  3. The ARPAS Executive Committee will make the final decision regarding the educational efforts to be funded by the Foundation. ARPAS members are encouraged to suggest uses for the funds.

  4. The ARPAS Executive Committee will lead the ARPAS efforts to raise funds to build the assets of the Foundation.

  5. In any event that the Foundation should be terminated, any remaining funds will become the property of ARPAS.