ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

From the Executive Vice President

At this time of year ARPAS members need to assess whether they deserve a lump of coal in their boot or a big “THANK YOU” from their clients, customers, students, peers, or family. With the current “energy crisis,” a lump of coal may be welcomed but a pat on the back is a lot more reassuring. Your career in animal agriculture is not getting any less challenging and your time is probably being spent on issues you wish you could get Santa to take rather than give. 

The above paragraph is just to call your attention to the people that depend on you for assistance, advice, help, and care, and to give you pause for thought as to whether they are all getting a fair share of your time and talents. Your professional organizations also need a share of your time and expertise. 

ARPAS is a people-directed and dependent organization. With a couple of exceptions, it is dependent on the volunteer services of its 1500+ members to staff the various committees and governing council to run the organization and provide the people-power to accomplish our mission. In the coming year, give some thought to volunteering some of your valuable time to serve on a committee, proctor ARPAS exams, organize a chapter, visit a sponsor, talk to a prospective member, or visit an animal science department and enlighten the students (and faculty) about the importance of becoming a “Professional Animal Scientist.” 

The opportunity to shape the direction of ARPAS is yours for the asking. About every five years, ARPAS leadership puts together a committee to develop a long-range plan (typically a five-year plan) to assess where we are, where we want to be, and how we are going to get there. A chairperson will be appointed by your president and committee members will be selected. If you have an interest in serving ARPAS on this ad hoc committee or on one of the standing committees (listed on the website) or wish to be considered for nomination to an elected office, please contact me or a member of the governing council.

This is also the time of year to renew your membership in ARPAS and to record your ARPAS Continuing Education Units (CEUs). This can be done on the ARPAS website ( go to Membership Services and then to Renew Your Dues Online or CEU Online Submission. You will need to know your membership number. A New Year’s resolution that is easy to keep would be “I will record my CEUs as I acquire them” by using the ARPAS website. You need 16 CEUs each year to satisfy your continuing membership in ARPAS. We are continually adding to the list of meetings approved for ARPAS CEUs. If you are not certain about the number of CEUs approved for a given meeting, send us an email with the program attached and we will evaluate the program for credits. 

This also the time of year to send in information (preliminary program or final program) on meetings you are planning that might qualify for ARPAS CEUs. We would certainly like to add them to our list of approved meetings on our website. By pre-approving credit, you can list this information in your final program as well.