ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

New PAS/RAS Members

ARPAS Membership Committee Chair Warren Gill, PhD, PAS

SuperUser Account Categories: Uncategorized, December 2008
New members are our future! Some of us have been around for quite awhile, but we must have new members to thrive. ARPAS is unique and necessary, and we must continue to take that message to our colleagues, particularly as they enter the profession. We have 35 new members(shown in the following list).

Ryan Aberle 
W. Lamar Adams
Jay R. Beidel
Michele H. Bennett
Nancy P. Buchanan
Kevin Thomas Caldwell
Joseph P. Cassady
James Randall Davis
Doug Donovan
Jorge A Elizondo-Salazar
Terry D. Faidley
Vivek Fellner
Eduardo Flores
William L. Flowers
J. Alden Gonder
Ben P. Holland
Guy Houston Honeycutt
Matthew Thomas Jewart
Sung Woo Kim
Brandon Lawwill
Rafael Monleon
Richard N. Nisen
Ryan S. Ordway
Padmakumar B. Pillai
Platt L. Price
Erica M. Ramsing
David L. Remsburg
Rickey L. Ruppert
John Clay Samper
William L. Schultz
Kent W. Smith
Elizabeth L. Stelzleni
Peter G. Williams
Jonathan Hall Ydstie
Clay A Zimmerman

As much as we appreciate the new members, we also need and appreciate our current members and we need for you to pay your dues. Approximately 53% of the membership have paid their 2009 dues. This is not yet a cause for concern, but it will certainly help if you can go ahead and "git 'er done."