ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

California ARPAS Chapter Activities

Barbara Barton, PhD, PAS, Dipl ACAN

SuperUser Account Categories: Chapter Reports, December 2008
2008 ARPAS California Chapter: Continuing Education Conference

Approximately 160 people attended the California Chapter ARPAS Continuing Education Conference held October 30 and 31, 2008. The conference featured an in-depth examination of nutrient management on livestock operations. The presentations focused on how increasing efficiencies help to minimize excretion of N, P, and K per unit of production (meat, milk, fiber, or eggs). On day one, Dr. Gerald Huntington (North Carolina State University) reviewed how nutrient supply and peripheral tissue signaling affects efficiency of nutrient utilization in ruminants. Dr. Phillip Miller (University of Nebraska) discussed a similar topic, but he focused on nutrient utilization in monogastrics. Dr. Randy Buddington (University of Memphis) reviewed how the nutrient milieu reaching the hind gut impacts nutrient utilization and animal health. Speakers on the second day included Dr. Alan Rotz, Denise Mullinax, and Don Sapienza. Dr. Rotz (USDA-ARS) demonstrated a model for determining nutrient utilization on dairy operations. Denise Mullinax (assistant director of CA Dairy Quality Assurance Program) reviewed the current CAFO regulations. Don Sapienza (Sapienza Analytica) updated conference attendees on the status of the joint project being conducted by CA-ARPAS, University of California-Davis, California State University-San Luis Obispo, and Sapienza Analytica on the characterization of alfalfa hay quality. Information regarding the conference and the 2008 proceedings are available at the CA-ARPAS website Eight ARPAS CEU were assigned to the meeting. The 2009 meeting in will be held October 29 and 30 at the Inn at Harris Ranch in Coalinga, California. 

California Chapter ARPAS Awards Two Scholarships at the 2008 Annual Continuing Education Conference

Thomas O’Hare, PhD candidate in the Department of Animal Sciences, UC Davis, was awarded the ARPAS Memorial Award based on his thesis research on “Cytogenetic analysis of mega-telomere profiles within and between chicken genotypes.”

Jolene Berg of the Animal Biology Graduate Group at UC Davis was awarded the Kutches Memorial Award based on her thesis research “Development of an industry wide salt study for compliance with General Order R5-2007-0035.” 

Each awardee presented an overview of their thesis research to the CA-ARPAS attendees. 

New Officers for 2008-2009 California ARPAS Chapter 

John Miller is the incoming president of CA-ARPAS for 2008–2009. Other new officers include Dennis Ervin, president elect; Barbara Barton, secretary/treasurer; and Bill Vogt, director-at-large. Matt Kelly, who served as president for 2008–2009, was thanked for his leadership over the past year. He will stay active with CA-ARPAS in an advisory role as past-president. Sonda Sibole was also thanked for her service to CA-ARPAS as the outgoing secretary/treasurer. Travis Taylor is continuing in his role as director-at-large.