ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

The View from 30,000 Feet - A New Feature in Your ARPAS Newsletter

Stephen M. Emanuele PhD, PAS

SuperUser Account Categories: Uncategorized, August 2008

As I am writing to you, I am flying over the heartland of America looking down on American agriculture from 30,000 feet. I have to admit that I have a sense of pride knowing that in each state I am flying over right now, there are ARPAS members helping agricultural producers achieve success and educating young people on the most up-to-date information coming from our agricultural schools and universities. I am also excited because we have a new format for our ARPAS newsletter with many new features. Our new format is designed to make it easier for you to navigate through the newsletter and retrieve information faster. You will notice interactive links to Web sites such as FASS Job Resource Center, Professional Animal Scientist, and Upcoming Events. 

So why was the newsletter format changed? It was changed so that you can get more value from the ARPAS newsletter. As a professional animal scientist, each day you receive information from many different sources. It is easy for the ARPAS newsletter to get lost in the pile email messages, advertisements, and electronic magazines. With the new format, you will be able retrieve those articles that are important to you, keep up to date on meetings where you can earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and be informed about important issues to ARPAS members. 

Why do we have a newsletter? To communicate information about ARPAS business and events is the easy answer. As editor, my vision is that the newsletter will not just inform you but create excitement and pride about being an ARPAS member. I hope to create excitement about ARPAS by including personal interest stories about ARPAS members and programs conducted by ARPAS members. As an ARPAS member, you have made a commitment to never stop learning and improving your skills and knowledge. My desire is that the newsletter can provide executive summaries of key educational meetings and provide electronic links for you to access information. My vision is that you will be able to use the newsletter to encourage your colleagues who are not ARPAS members to become members. This vision can only be achieved with your help. If you attended a good symposium or conference, submit an article with key highlights. If you are conducting a meeting that would be of interest to ARPAS members, tell us abut it. If ARPAS members achieve recognition for their programs, let us know about it so that we can spread the news. I hope you will approve of the new format for the newsletter and take advantage of the new features. It is a privilege to serve as the editor of your newsletter.

Stephen M. Emanuele PhD, PAS