ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Message from the President

ARPAS President Marit Arana, PhD, PAS

Warm and smokey greetings from California. I am honored to have been chosen to serve as your president for the next year. Dr. Darrell Johnson and the previous past-presidents have all left some big shoes to fill, but I feel that I am up to the task of leading this organization for the next year. It is a pleasure to serve an organization that is dynamic and enthusiastic about its future. We currently have more than 1,500 members and more requests for exams every week. 

2008 has been a year for change within ARPAS. Not only did we elect two new Governing Council members, president-elect Randy Shaver and secretary Andy Cole, but we have a new executive vice-president Ken Cummings. I look forward to working with these individuals and the rest of the Governing Council during my term. During the meeting in Indianapolis, Keith Lusby, our treasurer, tendered his resignation to me. The ARPAS treasurer is a presidential appointee to the Governing Council and Keith has faithfully served for four years. I am pleased to announce that Carl Hunt has accepted my appointment to the treasurer position. Keith and Carl will be working together over the next few months to ensure a smooth transition.

I would like to congratulate Bill Price and the Logo Committee on all of their efforts in finding ARPAS a new logo. (See the new logo in this newsletter.) This new logo will be very beneficial in helping ARPAS increase its visibility. Increased visibility will also help us recruit new members to our organization. Our future direction is in the hands of our members. We need to continue seeking new members and corporate sponsors to stay strong. ARPAS puts forth considerable effort to recruit new members, but the bottom line is that success in recruitment will depend on each of us selling our peers on the benefits of membership. Any ARPAS member can administer the exam. Please contact Susie Rahn in the ARPAS office if you know someone who is interested in joining or if you have any questions about the process.

I would like us to continue to promote the formation of local chapters in the coming years. We were fortunate to have added new chapters in the last few years. Anyone who is involved in a state organization, such as a cattleman’s group, will realize that the heart of the organization lies in the county/regional chapters. ARPAS is no different. It takes only 15 members to form a local chapter. A chapter with 50 members may have a seat on the Governing Council. Local chapters can be critical in retaining and recruiting members. Many members may not be able to attend the national meetings but could attend local meetings within a one- or two-state region to obtain their continuing education credits. This would add to the benefit of being an ARPAS member.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind all members that we all need to promote what it means to be an ARPAS member to those we serve. How many of our customers, clients, and students know what PAS on our business card means? The benefits of being an ARPAS member will increase greatly if our clients ask potential consultants if they are members of ARPAS. It is important for our clientele to know that being an ARPAS member signifies a high level of ability and professionalism. Please remember to list your PAS or diplomate status when ever you write an article or make a presentation. I urge you to give us other ideas on how to convey to our clientele the value of being in this organization.

Thank you for letting me serve as your president, and please let me know of any suggestions or criticisms you may have. I can be reached by phone at (209) 847-1721 or by e-mail at Remember an organization is only as strong as its individual members, and I value your input.