ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Recycling and Renewable Resources—ARPAS Style

Kenneth Cummings, PAS, Dipl. ACAN, Exec. VP, ARPAS

SuperUser Account Categories: Announcements, December 2016
Some things don’t change. Activities and events recur from year to year with ARPAS so let’s just use what has worked in the past. I revisited past ARPAS newsletters to glean articles written by our members that effectively communicate a reoccurring need or event. I have added information as needed to reflect the current status. Thanks to these members for creating this opportunity.

CEUs by Betsy Wagner, PhD, PAS (December 2011 Newsletter)
Renewing your membership with ARPAS includes keeping current with changes and advances in animal science. Members are required to have 16 continuing education units (CEUs) per year, with 1 CEU generally equivalent to 1 hour of attendance or participation in an approved activity. Now is the time to check your CEU balance and make any updates from approved meetings you attended since your last CEU update. A list of approved meetings is available on the ARPAS Web site and also in the left-hand navigation bar of this electronic newsletter. 

When you log in on the ARPAS Web site, your CEU balance appears below your personal welcome on the left-hand navigation bar. You can also check your CEU approval history by selecting “Your Online CEU History” from the Membership Services drop-down menu. 

Members have two ways to submit their CEU updates. Select “CEU Online Submission” from the Membership Services menu and follow the steps to enter your credits earned or go to 

A printable form is also available for downloading and submitting via mail or fax.

Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist (KRC; December 2013 Newsletter)
The ARPAS Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist award is bestowed annually on one or more emeritus members of ARPAS that have made significant contributions to the Animal Sciences during their active career and served in a leadership position within ARPAS. 

Nominations may be made by any member of ARPAS. Final selection will be made by the ARPAS Executive Committee with conformation from the ARPAS Governing Council. The number of awards each year will not exceed 0.2% of the total ARPAS membership. Please contact any member of the ARPAS Governing Council or send your nomination by email to Cornicha Henderson at

Recipients of this award will be recognized with an article in the ARPAS newsletter and the PAS journal and given a tribute at our annual meeting. A suitable award will be presented to them on this occasion. They will also be granted lifetime membership in ARPAS with emeritus privileges.

Recipients of the 2016 Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist Award were:
Lee Shell, ARPAS President (1997–1998), Treasurer (1993–1996) 
Gerald Poley, Washington DC Area Chapter President-Elect, President, Past-President, and Director-at-Large. In 1999, Poley received the Distinguished Service Award from this Chapter of ARPAS.

PAACO Update by Terry Mader, PAS, Dipl. ACAN (December 2014 Newsletter)
In 2004, ARPAS and other professional animal industry organizations founded the Professional Animal Auditors Certification Organization (PAACO). The professional animal industry organizations were:
• American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists,
• American Association of Avian Pathologists (2005)
• American Association of Bovine Practitioners,
• American Association of Swine Veterinarians, and
The Mission Statement for PAACO is: The purpose of this organization is to promote the humane treatment of animals through education and certification of animal auditors, and to promote the profession of animal auditors.
With the restructuring of FASS in 2015, the American Dairy Science Association, American Society of Animal Science, and Poultry Science Association petitioned PAACO and became individual members in January 2016. The bylaws have been rewritten to reflect the needed changes in member organizations, directors (from 3 to 2 each) and terms of service. 

Our current ARPAS representatives on the PAACO board are Ted Friend (Texas A&M University), Frank Owsley (Tareleton State University), and Paul Beck (University of Arkansas).

Nominations for Officers for 2017 (by Jack Garrett, ARPAS President 2014-15, Dec. 2015 newsletter)
As the end of the year approaches, we need to look to where ARPAS is going in the years to come and ask, “How are we going to get there?” As the current Past-Past-President, one of my responsibilities for the upcoming year is to chair the committee selecting candidates for the president-elect of ARPAS. This person will have the responsibility of working with the Executive Committee and Governing Council, guiding us into a new situation where the joint annual meeting will not be a site for our seminar and council meetings. With our diverse membership from all livestock production sectors, coming up with a satisfactory solution will be critical. Also, we need to elect a new Northeast Director.

Therefore, this is your opportunity to help shape the leadership of ARPAS for the next several years and exercise your rights as a member of ARPAS. Below are the descriptions of positions up for election. Each position requires a three-year commitment of time.

The President-Elect shall be elected by the membership to serve one year as president-elect, the following year as president, and the third year as past-president. A primary responsibility of the President-Elect is to organize the annual ARPAS symposia and then assume the leadership position for the organization. Previous experience on the Governing Council is desired.

The Western Director shall be elected by the membership for a three-year term. The duties consist of providing leadership, being a primary contact for ARPAS members in the northwestern United States, and serving as chair for the publications standing committee of ARPAS.

The Secretary shall be elected by the membership for a term of three years, commencing with the close of the annual meeting following his/her election. The Secretary shall record all business meetings of the Governing Council and Registry and initiate correspondence as requested by the President

Therefore, I am reaching out to the membership for recommendations on candidates whom you believe will lead ARPAS through these times or asking if you are interested in filling one of these positions. Please feel free to contact Cornicha at Cornicha, any of the executive committee or governing council members, or me either by e-mail or phone. I hope everyone has a great rest of this year and a terrific start to 2017!