ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

ARPAS Strategic Plan

Bob Wettemann, PAS, Dipl. ACAS

SuperUser Account Categories: Reports, December 2016
The Strategic Planning Committee of ARPAS is actively involved in the identification of goals for 2017–2021. We thank everyone who responded and completed the strategic planning survey in October. There were 285 surveys completed by members in 40 states. Characteristics of the responders are as follows: 61% have been ARPAS members for more than 10 years, consulting and industry are the professional service or activity of 64% of the members, and 24% are from academia, and the major species of interest are dairy and beef. The most valuable activity or service provided by ARPAS are The Professional Animal Scientist (PAS), registration of credentials, and interaction with peers. 

The committee is reviewing your input from the survey and will identify goals for ARPAS to increase services and activities for members during the next 5 to 10 years. Next, approaches will be determined for implementation of goals to enhance benefits for members and animal agriculture. 

Your input and involvement in the ARPAS Strategic Plan is important. Thank you for participating in the survey. If you have ideas or comments to enhance the activities and functions of ARPAS, please send them to me ( and I will share them with the Strategic Planning Committee.