ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

The Professional Animal Scientist

Wayne Kellogg, Editor-in-Chief

SuperUser Account Categories: Announcements, December 2016
Thanks for an Excellent Year
Volume 32 (2016) of the journal was completed earlier this month with 873 pages for the year. It is the largest volume to date. By comparison, the previous volume had 607 pages, and the 10-year average was 677 pages. I want to thank many people who made the year so successful. I especially thank the authors who conducted the research, submitted the manuscripts, made the revisions, and approved the final page proofs! I really appreciate the essential role that our expert reviewers—including many on the Editorial Board—had in appraising the manuscripts. Both Associate Editors, Andy Cole and Stacey Gunter, worked with authors and reviewers in refining the articles. Christina Horger, technical editor, and other FASS staff members were involved in preparing the page proofs. Finally, Emma Bruun and the staff of Elsevier published the issues.

Reviews Provide Members with Summarized, Updated Information on Topics
Volume 32 of The Professional Animal Scientist includes these papers from three symposia:
1. Grazing management options in meeting objectives of grazing experiments;
The roles of forage management, forage quality, and forage allowance in grazing research;
Designing a grazing experiment that can reliably detect meaningful differences;
Getting more information from your grazing research beyond cattle performance.
2. Nutrition and management of cows: Supplementation and feed additives; Choosing a calving date;
Use of ultrasonography to make reproductive management decisions; Advantages of current and future reproductive technologies for beef cattle production; and 
3. Transportation issues affecting cattle well-being and considerations for the future. 
Additionally, four review articles were published: 
• Comparison of 3 alternatives for large-scale processing of animal carcasses and meat by-products, 
• Effect of forage provision on feed intake in dairy calves, 
• Challenges and opportunities in rising feral horse populations, and 
• Current areas of research of feeding practices for lactating goats.
Search Initiated for an Editor in Chief
Primarily due to age-related memory problems, I have requested that the Governing Board permit me to retire as Editor in Chief. I have experienced outstanding support from the ARPAS Governing Board and Kenneth Cummings during my tenure, and I plan to assist whoever is selected. After a decade, it is time to change leadership anyway. We have completed the transition to Elsevier, and all articles in previous issues are available to ARPAS members. (If you encounter problems, contact the FASS office.) Others can find our articles via Agricola, Research Gate, or Google, and the PAS articles are now cited in ScienceDirect. The staff at Elsevier is assisting with an application for inclusion in PubMed and are deciding when best to reapply to ISI for a formal impact factor. (They can provide an informal impact factor if needed.) While we may not match or exceed the record year, I think that the journal is in a strong positon. Articles have been accepted that will complete the February issue and part of the April issue. Additionally, several manuscripts are in various stages of review. We can always use more, and I especially invite reviews of topics with new information.