ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Washington DC Area Chapter Report

Bill Price

SuperUser Account Categories: Chapter Reports, April 2017

Our chapter is sponsoring our Mini-Symposium on “Environmental Sustainability and Animal Production” on April 26 at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (Conference Room 020, Building 005, 10300 Baltimore Ave., Beltsville, MD). Attendees can register at the door at a cost of $40.00 and can claim 5 CEU for attendance. Richard Reynnells, our president elect, has put together a very impressive array of speakers. Allison Thornson, Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture, Washington, DC, will speak on a “Multi-Stakeholder Approach for Sustainable Production of Commodity Crops.” Rick Kohn, University of Maryland professor of animal nutrition management, will address “Greenhouse Gas Mitigation.” The presentation of Katie Dotterer-Pyle, Cow Comfort Inn Dairy, Union Bridge, Maryland, is “Ask Farmers, Not Google.” Chris Voell, US EPA, international lead—Ag. AgStar and Global Methane Initiative Climate Change Division, will address “How EPA’s AgStar Program Promotes Environmental Sustainability and Animal Production.” Walter Mlubry, microbiologist, Sustainable Agricultural Systems Lab, ARS, USDA, will speak on “Biological Treatment of Dairy Manure: Research Toward more Sustainable Practices in Nutrient Recovery and Reuse.” Last, Joel Newman, president and CEO of AFIA, will speak on “Global Feed LCA Institute and the Feed Industry.” A reception will follow the mini-symposium featuring the honoring of our chapter’s Dr. Vernon G. Pursel Memorial Distinguished Service Award winner for 2017, Richard D. Reynnells, PhD. Reynnells’s award states “for distinguished service to the animal sciences and in recognition of professional character and career accomplishments that serve as a model for professional animal scientists.”

The chapter was pleased that Sharon Benz of our chapter is one of the National ARPAS Distinguished Professional Animal Scientists Awardees. Benz has been very supportive of our chapter and had a distinguished career with the NAS and FDA, contributing extremely to the animal science profession and industry.

We would also like people to know that they can donate to our scholarship fund for a deserving student committed to animal science and attending the University of Maryland. Mail your tax-deductible contribution to this address: Office of Gift Acceptance, 4603 Calvert Road, College Park, MD 20740. Label it for the Washington DC Area Chapter of ARPAS scholarship fund.
