ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Foundation Report

Jack Garrett

Foundation Report

Jack E. Garrett, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAS
Chair, ARPAS Foundation

The ARPAS Foundation’s assets now exceed $200,000. The ARPAS Foundation was established to recognize and fund worthy educational efforts of ARPAS and its members, or to promote the activities of ARPAS. Each year we receive multiple requests for educational funding projects, such as support for symposiums and speakers. This year the foundation will be supporting the dissemination of the information that will be presented at this year’s educational symposium “Sustainable Dairy Production” at the ADAS annual meeting by helping with the publication of the written articles in our journal.

The general principles and guidelines for operation of the ARPAS Foundation include the following:

1. Funds accumulated by the ARPAS Foundation are to be invested at the discretion of the ARPAS Executive Committee.
2. Only the earnings of the funds may be used to support the educational efforts of the Foundation. The principal will not be used except under extreme circumstances as determined by the ARPAS Executive Committee.
3. The ARPAS Executive Committee will make the final decision regarding the educational efforts or other activities to be funded by the foundation.

We are always looking to support the educational efforts of ARPAS, so chapters should consider seeking support from the foundation to improve the educational benefits they can provide to their membership during meetings or special events. Also, the foundation seeks help increasing the principal of the foundation funds to increase the level of support we can provide on a yearly basis.
