ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

ARPAS Journal 2019: Applied Animal Science

Dave Beede, PhD, Editor-in-Chief, AAS, and PAS and Diplomate ACAN

SuperUser Account Categories: Announcements, Issues, December 2018

Four items for your immediate attention below

Unless you have been living under a rock during the last few months, you know that the name of the ARPAS journal will change in 2019 to Applied Animal Science (AAS). To continue sequential numbering of ARPAS’s journal, the volume will be 35. The title changed slightly from that announced in August, dropping the words “journal of,” to accommodate the use of a unique title and the International Standard Serial Number to distinguish it from another journal with that title.

The look of the journal will also change with a new cover design, a new table of contents (see the following), and some modifications of types of articles published (briefly highlighted in the following). More details will be available in early January on the journal’s new web page (

The AAS Table of Contents

Science and Application Categories (in alphabetical order):

  • Extension and Teaching
  • Food Science
  • Forages and Feeds
  • Genetics
  • Health
  • Nutrition
  • Physiology
  • Production and Management
  • Sustainability and Integrated Systems
  • Welfare and Behavior

Types of Articles to be Published

  • Peer-Reviewed Articles
    • Original research
    • Reviews and invited reviews
    • Short communications (including case studies)
    • Technical notes
  • Other Types of Articles
    • Letters to the Editor
    • Commentaries—AAS invites expert commentaries from ARPAS members about particular published articles or important topics in animal science and production. Members and readers also are encouraged to contact the editor-in-chief to submit a commentary or suggest a topic and potential authors.

Also, AAS invites organizers of symposia and conferences to contact the editor-in-chief to submit manuscripts resulting from presentations. The manuscripts will be peer reviewed, and the meeting organizer may serve as the guest editor, working with the editor-in-chief. The articles can be any of the types listed previously and published as part of a regular AAS issue or as a set in a completely separate issue of AAS.

---- Dave Beede, Editor-in-Chief, AAS

Four Items for Your Immediate Attention

Below are four immediate opportunities and needs that you can engage in and support. Please contact Dave Beede (; directly with all due haste if you would like to engage in these efforts or recommend another ARPAS member.

  1. The AAS Editorial Board will be reconstituted somewhat to accommodate the 10 categories of science and application in the table of contents (listed in this article). If you would like to be considered for the editorial board or have a recommendation of an expert for one of the science and application categories, please let me know immediately.
  2. In 2019 we will be instituting a Journal Management Team to help set and support the strategic and tactical directions of AAS to meet the needs of the membership. If you would like to find out more about this team’s work or if you have someone to recommend, please let me know posthaste.
  3. Do you or an ARPAS member you know use Twitter and Facebook routinely and often? We’re seeking a member who is active with these social media networks to become the Social Media Editor for AAS to push out news about animal agriculture, the journal’s publications, and ARPAS using Twitter and Facebook. Our publisher Elsevier will help train this person and set up the communication networks. This activity will require about one hour weekly. Please contact me immediately.
  4. Did you know that each new issue of the journal is published with designated Editor’s Choice articles? These articles are FREE to everyone in the world to access and download for the first 60 days after posting, until the next AAS issue is published.


The Professional Animal Scientist will be published as Applied Animal Science starting in 2019. In January 2019, will redirect to

#  THE END  #
