ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Executive Vice President Comments

Kenneth Cummings, PAS, Dipl. ACAN, Exec. VP, ARPAS

Reporting Continuing Education Units (CEU)
Reporting of continuing education units (CEUs) is made simple through the ARPAS website. Just log on to and click on "Submit CEUs." Not only is your CEU record instantly updated when you enter your meetings online, but the system also keeps a convenient submission history in case you wish to check your past entries. What if you do not see a meeting you want to report on the approved list? No problem! You can submit any meeting to be approved and posted on the list before you enter it online. Remember, 16 CEUs are required each year to maintain your registration, and up to 16 CEUs can be carried over to the following year.

Please Renew Your ARPAS Membership for 2019
We are one-third of the way into 2019, and renewals for this year are past due for many members. Your membership is important to us and to you as a professional animal scientist, and it is not to be taken lightly. Lapsed members from a previous year can reinstate their membership by filling out a lapsed member form (available on our website, and paying a reinstatement fee of $20 plus dues and recording CEUs for the current year. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO RETAKE THE ARPAS EXAM.

If you have retired and want to continue as an active member, you can establish an emeritus membership, which is available to ARPAS members who have retired and are no longer practicing professional activities in animal science. The CEUs are not required for emeritus members. The annual membership fee for emeritus members is $47.50 per year.

Life emeritus members may also elect to pay a one-time fee of only $285. You may renew your emeritus membership online today at or download the printable form: 2019 ARPAS Emeritus Form

Student Membership
Student Membership is available to full-time graduate and graduating-senior students and requires verification from major professor to qualify. The initial exam fee for graduate students in paid by the ARPAS Foundation, and the membership fee is $10 for the first year of membership and for every year thereafter while the member is a full-time graduate student. Continuing education units (CEUs) are not required for full-time student members.

If you are an advisor or major professor to these prospective ARPAS professionals, please encourage them to attain ARPAS Certification as the starting point for their professional animal science career.

Please contact Brittany Morstatter ( at ARPAS headquarters for more information.
