ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

President’s Letter

Al Kertz, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAN

SuperUser Account Categories: President’s Letters, February 2020

ARPAS Sponsorship

If you are going to only read one report in this newsletter, read Kenneth Cummings’ EVP report, as it is the most comprehensive, yet concise.

More specifically, I want to announce the new ARPAS Sponsorship program. In the past, there has been considerable corporate ARPAS sponsorship. But that has dwindled more recently due to a variety of circumstances. And it became a bit unwieldy with 3 levels of sponsorship. Thus, we decided to simplify and broaden the number of sponsorships. And not just solicit sponsorship from companies, but from the growing number of consultants and their groups, from other organizations, and even from individual members. An annual sponsorship for a calendar year was then set at $1,000, which also included a free individual annual membership for an ARPAS member belonging to that organization. A review of ARPAS members by organizations revealed at least 34 organizations with at least 5 members. One organization had over 75 ARPAS members because they believed there was value in all of their professional employees being ARPAS Members. With the help of other Executive and Committee members, contacts were made beginning in August, as that is a month when many organizations on a calendar fiscal year begin planning for the next year. With industry consolidations, retirements, and job/organization changes, it has been a challenge to find the right person to contact within an organization. The key has been to find at least one person within an organization who becomes a champion for ARPAS sponsorship.

The main issue with soliciting sponsorship is resolving how ARPAS will utilize sponsorship funds. A review of the Applied Animal Science Journal, and readers’ interests, revealed that Invited Reviews are the most read and prized articles. Most journals waive page charges for Invited Reviews. Once, I asked an ARPAS member to write a review on a subject. But having to pay page charges was a nonstarter. Hence, at the ARPAS Governing Council Annual Meeting in July, funding was approved to invite up to 20 reviews annually. Thus, the main use of sponsorship funds will be to further develop the journal to make it even more useful for ARPAS Members.

One corporate sponsor has stood out each year over a period of years for its contributions at the highest tiered level: Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition. We would be remiss in not acknowledging their legacy of contributions.

Any funds sponsors wish to contribute more than the $1,000 annually will now be dedicated to the ARPAS Symposium—a source of information for Invited Reviews which fall into the most useful category in Applied Animal Science.

Now let’s recognize the inaugural group of ARPAS Sponsors for 2020 (contributions can still be made at any time this year, or for next year as well, by contacting

Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition
Cows Come First LLC
Global Animal Products
GPS Dairy Consulting
Holtz-Nelson Dairy Consultants LLC
Lallemand Animal Nutrition
Land O’Lakes Foundation
Noble Research Institute
Novus International
Nutrition Professionals Inc
Phibro Animal Health
Plains Nutrition Council
Progressive Dairy Solutions, Inc
Standard Dairy Consultants
Westway Feed Products

In addition, ARPAS Symposium Sponsors include:

Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition
Plains Nutrition Council

There is still time in 2020 for additional organizations to become Annual Registry Sponsors, as well as supporting the 2020 ARPAS Symposium.

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