ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Update from the Business Office

Brittany Morstatter, FASS Executive Assistant and Event Coordinator

SuperUser Account Categories: Reports, Summer 2020

ARPAS is now on social media—“Like” and “Follow” ARPAS on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. If you are interested in providing social media content relevant to ARPAS, please contact

First, thank you to ARPAS members for showing such patience during the transition to the new membership database last August, and the subsequent changes to the renewal and CEU processes.

Starting in January, regularly scheduled “CEU balance” emails began to be distributed to members via email. Lists of upcoming meetings and approved webinar and on-demand content have been included in each of those emails. In light of the global pandemic, members should expect to see much more virtual content to be available for fulfilling CEUs.

As in-person meetings have been cancelled, the (in-person) tablet electronic exam initiative was postponed until in-person events resume. As an alternative, ARPAS has developed a way to administer online exams proctored remotely with the use of Zoom. Of the exam sessions that have already taken place, there have been very minimal technical issues, so the project has been quite successful thus far. Online Zoom exam sessions will be scheduled in July during the week of the ASAS and PSA virtual conferences, and a schedule of regularly offered online Zoom exam sessions will begin in August 2020.

The first virtual booth opportunity ARPAS experienced was in conjunction with the 2020 ADSA Virtual Conference. A new ARPAS video and one-page flyer were used to promote ARPAS. Additional new marketing materials will soon be in development.
