ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Chapter Activities and Reports

SuperUser Account Categories: Chapter Reports, Summer 2020

California Chapter
Northeast Chapter
Pacific Northwest Chapter
Southeast Chapter
Southern Great Plains Chapter
Washington DC Chapter

California Chapter
The May meeting was cancelled due to COVID-19. Plans for the Harris Ranch meeting in the fall are still underway.

Northeast Chapter
The Northeast (NE) Chapter enjoys ARPAS second largest membership, celebrating our 10th anniversary this year. The chapter has been busy with fundraising and membership activities.

We are sponsoring the first NE Graduate Student Research Poster Contest. Graduate students enrolled in animal science programs throughout the NE are eligible. Submissions will be judged and scholarships awarded for first, second, and third place. The ARPAS Business Office developed a flyer and social media content that will be posted regularly until the August 1 deadline.

The NE Chapter has far exceeded its $10,000 goal through fundraising with industry friends and members. Options are as follows:

  • Friend: $300
  • Gold: $500
  • Platinum: $1000+

The first ever NE Chapter Newsletter will be published in the next month or so and upcoming events include sponsoring the NE Dairy Challenge this fall to introduce ARPAS to undergraduate students and this summer sponsoring the NEAFA Golf Outing. It’s a busy and fruitful time for the NE Chapter.

Pacific Northwest Chapter
Annual chapter meeting – January 14, 2020, in conjunction with the Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference, Boise, Idaho.

  • Officers present included Bill Sanchez, past president; Shelby Filley, president; Tom Ritter, president-elect, Chad Mueller, director; Jim Sullivan, director; and Pedram Rezamand, secretary-treasurer.
  • New officers elected include Tom Ritter, president; Chad Mueller, president elect; and newly elected director, Evin Sharman.
  • 2020 Pacific Northwest ARPAS Scholarship Winner ($1,000) – Jessica Guske, senior in animal science at Washington State University.
  • “New” Pacific Northwest ARPAS Exam University Gift: a $500 gift was approved to be awarded to the university in the Pacific Northwest region with the most students taking an ARPAS exam during the academic year.
  • Our own Carl Hunt was awarded the national ARPAS "Distinguished Professional Animal Science Award," a very deserved recognition! This award was presented at our chapter meeting.

Other items of note –

  • Due to cancellations of several events where many members could earn CEUs due to the coronavirus pandemic, details about online CEU opportunities and information for access through national ARPAS were sent to chapter members in April.
  • ARPAS membership in the Pacific Northwest region includes
    • Oregon – 18
    • Washington – 21
    • Idaho – 30
    • Alberta and British Columbia, Canada – 10
  • The chapter added a new “liaison to the Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference” position to provide an improved linkage between the Pacific Northwest Animal Nutrition Conference and ARPAS membership.
    • Pedram Rezamand agreed to serve in this newly created position.
    • Thus, a replacement for the secretary-treasurer position was needed (because Rezamand held that position) and placed on an E-ballot in April 2020.
    • Bill Sanchez was elected to serve as chapter secretary-treasurer.
  • The chapter is in a good financial position; as of November 30, 2019, the Pacific Northwest Chapter Treasury contained $13,493.58.

Southeast Chapter (formally South Central)
The Southeast Chapter did a "soft reset" since we were in limbo last year. During this process, Brandi Karisch has retained the role of president, Daniel Rivera has retained the role of past president, and Robert Wells of Noble Foundation was elected secretary-treasurer.

Southern Great Plains Chapter
The Southern Great Plains Chapter has been inactive for several years now. Efforts to get the last elected officers to get it going again have been unsuccessful. This is due in large part to many of the officers changing jobs/positions/locations.

There are several new young ARPAS members in the region—we will attempt to get some of them involved in reinvigorating the chapter.

Washington DC Chapter
For 2020, the Washington DC Chapter of ARPAS has held three monthly luncheon meetings:

January Speaker: Bill Price, ARPAS Historian
Subject: History, Purpose and Goals of National ARPAS
February Speaker: Julie Long, USDA ARS
Subject: Poultry Reproduction Research
March Speaker: Jere High, CEO/Manager, Lancaster (PA) DHIA
Subject: Lancaster Dairy Herd Improvement Association and Its Laboratory Operations

A symposium was planned for April 29 but cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic. We anticipate being able to hold meetings starting in September.

We donated $1,000 to the University of Maryland in support of a scholarship for a student pursuing a career in animal science.
