ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Immediate Past President’s Letter

Daryl Kleinschmit, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAS

As we move further into 2021, I am happy to see that things are getting back to a more ‘normal’ environment. Some of the members have been able to meet in person for the ASAS Scientific Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, and the ARPAS Symposium will be held in a hybrid format versus a 100% virtual format as we did in 2020. I look forward to next year at this time when both ADSA and ASAS should be able to meet in person and the ARPAS meetings normally scheduled during that time could also be held in person.

During the midyear meeting, it was determined to be an appropriate time to review and update our long-range (five-year) marketing plan to draw new members to ARPAS. It has been approximately seven years since the last plan was developed, and without a doubt, the animal industry looks much different now than it did in 2014. Likewise, a plan to recruit may also need to look different as well.

The membership numbers by local chapters are as follows:

Chapter                            Members

California                                     50 

CO-WY-NE                                   21

Midwest                                     123

Northeast                                    85

Pacific NW                                   37

Southeast                                   24

Southern Great Plains                  20

Washington, DC                           15


There are several individuals that I would like to acknowledge.

This year we had two recipients of the ARPAS Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist Award, Moe Bakke and D. Scott Lough. I would like extend my appreciation to both of these individuals for their contributions to our industry. Bakke will receive his award in person during the ARPAS Symposium this year, and Scott will be presented his award at a future in-person meeting of the ARPAS DC Area Chapter.

I want to recognize and thank John Richeson and Jeff Weyers, our representatives to PAACO. Weyers has decided to step down from this role due to prior commitments. Neil Andrew from Zinpro will be taking Weyers’s place as the ARPAS representative to the PAACO board. One interesting note is that Andrew has previous completed the PAACO certification and has just completed the ARPAS exam in June of 2021. He has a strong commitment to this organization, and we appreciate his willingness to start right away.

I would like to thank Dana Tomlinson for his time serving as the ARPAS treasurer over the past four years. His contribution of time, effort, and expertise is greatly appreciated. Tomlinson stepped down from this role at the time of the 2021 Governing Council annual meeting, but John Bernard was graciously willing to fill this vacancy. Thank you, Bernard, for filling this role.

Last, I would like to acknowledge Kenneth Cummings for his invaluable contribution to this organization as not only the executive vice president over the past 13 years, but also as an active member during the years preceding that role. As of July 1, Cummings stepped down as executive vice president, and responsibilities for this role have been transitioned to Al Kertz. Kertz is widely known and respected in the industry, and his years of serving as the president of ADSA, FASS, and ARPAS will prove to be invaluable with his new role as the executive vice president.
