ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

2021 Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist Award

SuperUser Account Categories: Awards, August 2021

The following are recipients of the 2021 ARPAS Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist Award.


M. J. “Moe” Bakke, MS, PAS

M. J. “Moe” Bakke grew up in Madison, Wisconsin.  He spent much of his childhood on a family-owned dairy and farm near his home. Bakke attended the University of Wisconsin at Madison and earned a BS degree in dairy science. He participated in college sports and played in two Rose Bowl football games. Bakke earned an MS degree in dairy science at Colorado State University.

Soon after graduation, Bakke began his consulting business, Custom Dairy Performance. As one of the first dairy consultants in the 1970s, Bakke headed to California. He provided nutrition and management consulting to dairys and dairy cooperatives throughout the southwestern United States and then extended his work to Brazil, Mexico, and Japan. He also engaged in exportation of dairy heifers, dairy commodities, and equipment as well.

Throughout his career Bakke and his company (CDP) sponsored international students in advanced dairy nutrition studies. CDP has supported over 40 BS and MS students in study and working internships in the United States.

Bakke and his wife, Anne, live near Lexington, Kentucky, where they spend most of their time on their farm, raising horses and cattle, and enjoying country life. Throughout his career, Bakke has supported ADSA and ARPAS. He has been a familiar face at many dairy and animal science conferences, sponsoring several international students interested in the dairy industry as a career.

He has given his time and financial support to many community activities. He is a current participating member of ADSA, ARPAS, California and Midwest ARPAS, CAST, and Dairy Shrine. Bakke has served ARPAS for over 35 years as a member, director, national officer, and chair of several committees of ARPAS and the ARPAS Foundation. His recruitment skills have encouraged many students and graduate students to become members of ARPAS. Bakke was nominated by Kenneth Cummings.


D. Scott Lough, PhD, PAS

D. Scott Lough was born on October 6, 1957, in Harrisonburg, Virginia, and was raised in the Potomac Highlands of eastern West Virginia on a small farm. He attended West Virginia University, where he obtained his bachelor of science in animal and veterinary sciences in 1979 and his master of science in animal science in 1982. Afterward, he was accepted into graduate school at The Pennsylvania State University, and he completed the requirements for the doctor of philosophy in dairy science in 1987.

In August of 1992, Lough accepted the position of chemist with the USDA, Agricultural Marketing Service, Science and Technology Program, in Washington, DC. For 28 years, he was involved in laboratory management and quality assurance, mostly for laboratories analyzing milk and dairy products.

Lough has been a member of the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists (ARPAS) since 1989. Currently, he is a Lifetime Emeritus member of ARPAS. He has been active in the Washington DC Area Chapter of ARPAS and has served the chapter as director-at-large, treasurer, president-elect, president, and past president. In 2013 Lough was the recipient of the Dr. Vernon G. Pursel Memorial Distinguished Service Award by the Washington DC Area Chapter of ARPAS. Lough was nominated by Bill Price.

Both recipients will be presented their 2021 Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist Award at upcoming meetings.

Congratulations, and thank you, Bakke and Scott, for your outstanding service to ARPAS.

About the Award
The ARPAS Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist award is bestowed annually on one or more emeritus members of ARPAS who have made significant contributions to the animal sciences during their active career and served in a leadership position within ARPAS.

Nominations may be made by any member of ARPAS. Final selection will be made by the ARPAS Executive Committee with confirmation from the ARPAS Governing Council. The number of awards each year will not exceed 0.2% of the total ARPAS membership.

Recipients of this award are recognized with an article in the ARPAS newsletter and with a tribute at our annual meeting. A suitable award is presented to award recipients on this occasion. Awardees are also granted lifetime membership in ARPAS with emeritus privilege.

The selection criteria are

  1. Must have been an active member of ARPAS for at least ten (10) years prior to retirement from active membership.
  2. Must have served in a leadership role in ARPAS during their active membership. Leadership positions are defined as officers, directors, representatives, and committee members at the national or chapter level.
  3. Must have made a significant contribution to the animal sciences through teaching, research, service, or industry during their active professional career.
  4. Must have acquired Emeritus membership in ARPAS and maintained this status for a minimum of three (3) years.