ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

ARPAS Foundation Report

N. Andy Cole, PhD, PAS, Dipl. ACAS

SuperUser Account Categories: Foundation Reports, August 2021

The financial status of the ARPAS Foundation is excellent. This is due, in large part, to the annual donations from our outgoing executive vice president, Kenneth Cummings. Outlays this past year were less than previous non-COVID years, primarily because the number of graduate students taking the ARPAS exams was less than a normal year.

In January, the Governing Council approved five amendments to the ARPAS Foundation Bylaws. These amendments provided a method to amend the Foundation Bylaws, provided a method for persons that make donations to the Foundation to designate how those funds may be used, and updated the tax-exempt status of the Foundation. The amended bylaws are available on the ARPAS website.

An Application for Funding Request form was developed, which members, chapters, etc. should use to request educational funds from the Foundation. The form is available on the ARPAS website along with a paper version of a donation form that can be used to make donations to the Foundation. Individuals can also submit donations online.
