ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

ARPAS Chapter Activities and Reports

SuperUser Account Categories: Chapter Reports, August 2021

California Chapter
Midwest Chapter
Northeast Chapter
Pacific Northwest Chapter
Washington DC Chapter

California Chapter
The California Chapter is making plans to resume their annual sponsorship events and meetings.

Midwest Chapter
The Midwest Chapter is going through a reboot to find new officers. If interested in serving on the Midwest Chapter board, please email

Northeast Chapter
The NE Chapter had a successful poster contest at the virtual 2020 Penn State Nutrition Conference and Chapter Annual Meeting and has disbursed all prizes.

The chapter board is considering possible speakers for the 2021 in-person Northeast ARPAS Chapter Annual Meeting, which will be held at the 2021 Penn State Nutrition Conference.

The Northeast Chapter is once again holding a 2021 Graduate Student Research Contest in conjunction with the 2021 Penn State Dairy Nutrition Workshop on October 27. For more details about the contest, visit the Northeast Chapter web page.

Efforts have been discussed to attract more university students in the region, and the chapter is preparing a slide package to promote ARPAS at the schools within the chapter area.

Pacific Northwest Chapter
Annual chapter meeting—March 9, 2021 (held virtually)

  • Officers present included Tom Ritter, president; Chad Mueller, president-elect; Shelby Filley, past-president; Bill Sanchez, secretary-treasurer; Jim Sullivan, director; Evin Sharman, director; and Pedram Rezamand, liaison to PNWANC.
  • We discussed new officer and committee structure for the chapter moving forward. Director-At-Large #4 was removed, and committee operations would revolve around “Continuing Education,” “Scholarship and Fundraising,” and “Recruiting and Membership.”
  • New officer elections would be held approximately two weeks after the annual chapter meeting to allow members a chance to evaluate the new officer structure and provide new nominations.
  • We discussed the need to continue our work to develop programs and activities to encourage membership participation and future chapter growth.
  • We discussed possible expansion of chapter states to Utah, Nevada, Montana, and some Canadian providences (BC, Ontario, and Alberta).
  • 2021 PNW ARPAS Scholarship winner ($1,000) was Abbigail Prins, senior in animal science at Washington State University.
  • We discussed sponsorship of graduate student ARPAS membership dues and further details of how the chapter is going to award an annual prize to university departments who have the most student ARPAS exam submissions.

Additional Items:

  • Newly elected officers were announced in early April. New officers were John Hall, director #2, and Michelle Whiteside, director #3.
  • The board began organizing monthly work sessions starting in May to develop new programs and activities to stimulate chapter membership.
  • Work on the new chapter bylaws continues into the summer for submission to the national office by fall.
  • ARPAS membership (paid) in the PNW region includes (as of April 1, 2021):
    • Total: 37
      Idaho – 17
      Utah – 1
      Montana – 3
      Washington – 6
      Oregon – 6
      Other – 2
      Alberta and British Columbia, Canada – 2

The chapter is in good financial position.

Washington DC Area Chapter
The ARPAS DC Area Chapter consists of members in the DMV (Washington DC/Maryland/Virginia) area.

Richard Sellers will serve as president again this coming year.

The chapter has been meeting monthly via Zoom. They are hoping to resume live meetings in September and are discussing making their next meeting hybrid so people can attend virtually as needed.
