ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

ARPAS Announcements

SuperUser Account Categories: Announcements, May 2022

NEW! Nominate a Highly Qualified Individual for ARPAS membership!

Do you know a highly qualified animal scientist who has not yet joined ARPAS? Encourage them to apply today via HQI PAS!

Information on the HQI application can be found at For any questions, contact the ARPAS Business Office.

To be eligible for HQI, the candidate must have 5 years of experience beyond a PhD or DVM, 10 years of experience beyond the MS degree, or 15 years of experience beyond a postbaccalaureate/post-secondary/professional degree from an approved institution.

An eligible HQI candidate must be nominated by a current PAS member in good standing. Two letters of nomination or recommendation from PAS members in good standing are required for PAS certification via the HQI route.



Call for Nominations for 2022 Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist Award

The ARPAS Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist award is bestowed annually on one or more emeritus members of ARPAS who have made significant contributions to the animal sciences during their active career and also served in a leadership position with ARPAS.

Nominations may be made by any member of ARPAS. Final selection will be made by the ARPAS Executive Committee with confirmation from the ARPAS Governing Council. The number of awards each year will not exceed 0.2% of the total ARPAS membership. Please contact any member of the ARPAS Governing Council or send your nomination by email by May 25 to Brittany Morstatter.

Recipients of this award will be recognized with an article in the newsletter and on the ARPAS website and given a tribute at our annual meeting. A suitable award will be presented to them on this occasion. They will also be granted lifetime membership in ARPAS with emeritus privileges.

We have now presented 33 of our former leaders of ARPAS with this award since its inception in 2008.



ARPAS Annual Meetings and ARPAS Symposium at 2022 ADSA® Meeting in Kansas City

This year, ARPAS will be hosted at the 2022 American Dairy Science Association® Annual Meeting taking place in Kansas City, June 19 to 22. Please join us for the ARPAS annual events!

*ARPAS members will receive the ADSA member rate at registration. For registration and hotel information, visit 2022 ADSA Annual Meeting.  

Monday, June 20—12:30 p.m. CDT—2022 ARPAS Annual Business Meeting
Tuesday, June 21—12:30 p.m. CDT—2022 ACAS Annual Business Meeting
Tuesday, June 21—2:00 p.m. CDT—ARPAS 2022 Symposium and Reception

ARPAS Symposium: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Dairy Production Systems

Dairies are overwhelmed with managing and interpreting the large amounts of data that are generated from sensor and imaging technologies. To make full use of these data, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (MI) combined with production and management data can be used to identify new patterns for disease, reproduction, and nutrition management to help dairies develop and improve management practices.

Speaker, Affiliation

Presentation Title

Joao Dorea, University of Wisconsin

Introduction to artificial intelligence

Albert De Vries, University of Florida

Examples and opportunities for artificial intelligence on the dairy farm

Catherine McVey, University of California, Davis

Livestock informatics toolkit: Visualizing complex behavior patterns across PLF sensors through intelligence in dairy cow behavior machine learning

Juan Steibel, Michigan State University

Computer vision and machine learning for phenotyping



Meet your NEW Graduate Student Representative

A new Graduate Student Representative has been named to the ARPAS Governing Council for 2022-2023. 

Jordan Adams, MS, Assoc. PAS
PhD Candidate, Texas A&M University

Jordan Adams received her bachelor’s of science in animal science from Texas A&M University in 2019. Shortly after, Adams began her MS program in animal science at Oklahoma State University under the advisement of Paul Beck. At Oklahoma State University, Adams’s ruminant nutrition research focused on the effects of supplementation of novel extruded dried distillers grains cubes on forage intake and digestibility in growing cattle, as well as the economic feasibility of replacing nitrogen fertilizer with supplementation to stocker cattle on pasture.

Upon completion of her MS degree at Oklahoma State University, Jordan returned to Texas A&M University in spring 2022, where she is currently pursuing a PhD in animal science under the advisement of Luis Tedeschi, with a focus on developing and improving nutritional management strategies for beef cattle in tropical and subtropical environments.








ARPAS 2022 General Elections—Voting Closes May 30

The 2022 ARPAS elections will be open May 2 to 30, 2022.

The 2022 Nominees:

ARPAS President-Elect
Kristin Hales, PhD, PAS—associate professor and Thorton Distinguished Chair, Texas Tech University
Ben Holland, PhD, PAS—business development director and operations analysis, Cactus Feeders

ARPAS Northeast Regional Director/Publications Committee Chairperson
Patrick French, PhD, PAS, Dpl. ACAS—chief technical officer, phdR&D
Dane Schoenbaum, MS, PAS, FMC—dairy specialist, Zinpro




ARPAS continues to offer online exam sessions proctored remotely with Zoom. For more details, see the relevant article in this newsletter. For more information, please visit

ARPAS members are encouraged to promote these online exam sessions among colleagues and students! You can also set up a special online session to proctor for interested persons by contacting Brittany Morstatter.


Follow ARPAS on Social Media

“Like” and “Follow” ARPAS on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. If you are interested in providing social media content relevant to ARPAS, please contact


Registration process for accessing full-text articles of Applied Animal Science (AAS)


To access issues, you MUST COMPLETE this one-time, two-step process to activate online access using your ARPAS member number, which is the same as your FASS member number.

If you do not know your number please contact Brittany Morstatter (

    • Click Activate Online Access in the navigation bar at
      • If you have previously registered on the PAS website (or another journal website hosted on Elsevier’s platform), enter your username/password to Login.
      • If you are new to the PAS site, click the Create Account button and complete the account registration form.
    • On the next screen, click the box “I receive my subscription through a society membership”
      • Enter your ARPAS Membership Number and Last Name and then click Activate Claim
      • You will receive an onscreen confirmation that your access claim was successful and you are done!