ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Chapter Activities and Reports

SuperUser Account Categories: Chapter Reports, May 2023

Midwest Chapter
Northeast Chapter
Pacific Northwest Chapter

Midwest Chapter
Aaron Park, PhD, PAS, Dpl. ACAS

The Midwest chapter has yet to find traction in getting a board of officers together.  My plan, at this point, is to craft an email to send out to the Midwest ARPAS chapter membership explaining the situation, asking for volunteers, and then fashioning a slate of potential board members from this collection.  Any advice or suggestions are appreciated.


Northeast Chapter
Patrick French, PhD, PAS, Dpl. ACAS

Current Officers
David Kirk – President
Cliff Ocker – Past President
Alden Bowman – President-Elect
Bruce Krieder – Secretary/Treasurer
Don Jaquette – Director
Lynn Gilbert – Director
Ryan Ordway – Director
Representative to ARPAS Governing Council – Patrick French

Annual Meeting
The twelfth annual meeting of the Northeast Chapter of the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists was held on November 2, 2022, in conjunction with the Penn State Dairy Cattle Nutrition Workshop. There were 50 ARPAS members present for lunch and the meeting.

A mini symposium was held after the business meeting, Dr. Sara Place, Colorado State University, addressed sources of agricultural emissions, as well as reduction opportunities, such as ration adjustments and additives.

Graduate Student Poster Contest – 9 graduate students participated. Winners were Alanna Staffin (1st), Bailey Basiel (2nd), and Leoni Martins (3rd).

Membership Update











Financial Update
As of 9/30/22 the account balance was $11,993. 


Pacific Northwest Chapter
Jim Sullivan, PhD, PAS

Report prior to Annual Meeting on 1/16/23

2023-2024 Officers
President – Evin Sharman, Phibro Animal Health
Past President – Jim Sullivan, Novus Int.
President-Elect – John B. Hall, University of Idaho
Director 1 – Michelle Whiteside, Simplot Western Stockman
Director 2 – Benton Glaze, University of Idaho
Director 3 – David Miller, CHS Farmers Elevator
Secretary-Treasurer – Bill Sanchez, Potter’s Vineyard
PNWANC Liaison – Pedram Rezamand, University of Idaho

Committee roster (prior to annual meeting on 1/16/23)

  1. Continuing Education – President-Elect Evin + Director #1 John
  2. Scholarship & Fundraising – Sec/Treasurer Bill + Director #2 Michelle
  3. Recruiting & Membership – Past President Chad + Director #3 Benton

Committee Reports

  1. Scholarship and Fundraising
    1. Scholarships- initial pool of 27 applicants.  Winners selected to be announced at PNW ARPAS Meeting in Boise Jan 16.
      • Katie Beckner--Washington State University
      • Turner Lear--Oregon State University
      • Melanie Meador--Oregon State University
      • Francesca Rossi--Oregon State University
    2. Fundraising
      • Silent auction at PNW Nutrition Conference to raise money for scholarships
      • Items donated by industry reps


  1. Recruiting and Membership
    1. Director 3 position to be announced at PNW ARPAS meeting in conjunction with PNW Animal Nutrition Conference
    2. Trying to recruit more members-sent out a survey to membership asking for suggestions.
    3. Membership Report
    1. Current membership count, per FASS ‘non-expired PNW paid memberships’
      1. 37 Members
    2. We also have the regional membership list from ARPAS Directory
      1. OR – 8 members
      2. WA – 12 members
      3. ID – 26 members
      4. UT – 2 members
      5. MT – 13 members
      6. AB – 8 Members
      7. BC – 4 members

73 Total

  1. Continuing education
    1. Sponsored some webinars with topics aimed at PNW regional issues
    2. Highlighted some webinars available for ARPAS CEUs.
  2. Financials

American Registry of Professional Animal Scientist

Statements of Financial Position (Unreconciled)

For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2022




Pacific NW Chapter:

40101-100-0000-PACNW Regular PNW Dues (Some from 2021)



46125-100-0000-PACNW Donations-Pacific Northwest Chapter



49998-100-0000-PACNW ARPAS Support of Pacific NW Chapter



50110-100-0000-PACNW FASS Service Fees-Pacific Northwest



59000-100-0000-PACNW PACIFIC NW Distribution



33000-000-0000-PACNW Pacific Northwest Chapter (Prev Yr)



Not yet accounted for (but planned)


Scholarships committed


2 @ 1250



2 @ 1000



Meeting Expense



ARPAS Chapter Support from National



Foundation Grant



Year Ending Total



Next Article ARPAS Treasurer’s Report