ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Professional Animal Scientist Update

Wayne Kellogg, Editor-in-Chief

SuperUser Account Categories: Updates, August 2015
We are entering a new era in 2016 for The Professional Animal Scientist (PAS) with the agreement for Elsevier to publish, promote, and distribute the Journal. As part of the agreement, Elsevier will assist us in obtaining an Impact Factor for PAS, and that should encourage some additional scientists to submit manuscripts to the Journal. We are being encouraged to publish monthly (assuming more pages), or at least publish some special issues. There may be a new cover designed, but much will remain the same. We will continue using Manuscript Central, and the editorial staff at FASS will prepare the page proofs for authors. As in past years, ARPAS will copyright the Journal. All ARPAS members will have on-line access to back issues of the Journal. Additional information will be available to ARPAS members in the upcoming months.

We have received considerably more manuscripts this year than in previous years, and I am pleased to announce that Dr. Andy Cole has agreed to fill the vacant position of Associate Editor (approved by the Executive Committee). He joins Dr. Stacey Gunter, and the appointment reflects the increased number of manuscripts, predominantly in the beef area. Dr. Cole has recently retired from the USDA/ARS unit in Bushland, Texas. His specialty is beef cattle nutrition and management. His recent research has focused on environmental issues of importance to concentrated beef cattle feeding operations. He has served on Editorial Boards of the Journal of Animal Science and PAS and as a section editor for JAS, so he brings a great deal of experience to the Journal. 

In July the Governing Council approved acceptance of manuscripts from non-members. A separate page charge for non-members will be announced. Recently, about 79% of articles in PAS have a member of ARPAS as one of the authors. With the exception of one article, authors have been members of the FASS scientific associations or of American Society of Animal Science. The change to international marketing of PAS will provide opportunity to receive submissions from many more scientists who conduct research on applied topics. This will match the interests of many of our members and their companies.

I certainly appreciate the support of the Governing Council of ARPAS in making several important changes. The technical support of Susan Pollock and other FASS staff members has been very helpful. 