ARPAS Newsletter

ARPAS Spring 2023 Newsletter

Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist Awards Announced

SuperUser Account Categories: Awards, August 2015
Any ARPAS member may nominate a worthy emeritus member for this award and the final selection will be made by the executive committee with approval from the governing council. The ARPAS Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist award will be bestowed annually on emeritus or retired members of ARPAS that meet the following criteria:

1. Been an active member of ARPAS for at least 10 (10) years before retirement from active membership.

2. Served in a leadership role in ARPAS during their active membership. Leadership positions are defined as officers, directors, representatives, and committee members at the national or chapter level.

3. Made a significant contribution to the animal sciences through teaching, research, service, or industry during their active professional career.

4. The number of awards each year will not exceed 0.2% of the total ARPAS membership.

The recipients for 2015 are:

Dr. Lonnie W. Luther

Lonnie W. Luther was born on April 16, 1945 in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Fayetteville, Arkansas. He was raised on a small farm that was worked with horses and hand tools. As a teenager, he participated in 4-H poultry projects and developed a love for agriculture which shaped his life in many ways. He attended the University of Arkansas and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Poultry Science in 1969 and a Master of Science in Poultry Nutrition in 1971. While he was a graduate student at the University of Arkansas, he managed the turkey research farm. Afterwards, he attended Texas A&M University in College Station and earned his Ph.D. in Poultry Nutrition in 1974. Upon graduation, he was employed as a reviewer of poultry drug applications in the Office of New Animal Drug Evaluations (ONADE) of the FDA-Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) in Rockville, Maryland. Dr. Luther held several positions at the FDA-CVM where he supervised chemists, nutritionists, animal scientists, veterinarians, and consumer safety officers in the review of new animal drug applications. He trained new reviewers and conducted continuing education for established reviewers. From 1989 to 1998, he was the Chief of the Quality Assurance Support Staff which conducted quality control reviews of new animal drug applications to assure consistency with all FDA laws, regulations, policies, and guidance. In addition, he served as a lead expert in the development of the ONADE Reviewer Manual, CVM Policy and Procedures Guide, and the Compliance Program Guide. Also, he served as a national expert for critical issues related to generic animal drugs to both non-governmental and other governmental organizations. Over his career, Dr. Luther served as the expert point of contact in over 170 significant new animal drug product approval notices that were published in the Federal Register. He received several awards for his work at the FDA-CVM. In January of 2012, Dr. Luther retired from the FDA-CVM with over 37 years of Federal service.

Dr. Luther purchased a farm in Damascus, Maryland where he raises beef cattle, poultry, hay, and corn and maintains the family garden. His own poultry flock contains over 50 breeds with which he has won many awards at the local county fairs. He serves in numerous agricultural activities including 4-H Poultry Superintendent for the Montgomery County Agricultural Fair and Poultry Superintendent for the Damascus Community Fair. Also, Dr. Luther is President of the Montgomery County Farm Bureau and serves on the poultry board for the American Farm Bureau Federation. He is an appointed member of the Water Quality Advisory Group in Montgomery County, Maryland. From his involvement in all of these agricultural activities, Dr. Luther is a strong advocate for production agriculture.

Dr. Luther is a member of numerous professional societies including the Poultry Science Association, American Society of Animal Science, and the American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists (ARPAS). He has been a member of ARPAS for many years and is board-certified in animal nutrition science. From 1991 – 1993, Dr. Luther served as the Northeast Director for ARPAS. He has been heavily involved in the activities of the Washington DC Area Chapter of ARPAS where he served as Director-at-Large, President-Elect, President, and Past-President. In 2000, Dr. Luther was the recipient of the Distinguished Service Award from the Washington DC Area Chapter of ARPAS.

The presentation took place at the annual mini-symposium and banquet of the Washington DC Area Chapter of ARPAS which was held at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center in Beltsville, Maryland on Wednesday, April 29, 2015. 

CAPTION: Dr. Kenneth R. Cummings, Executive Vice President of ARPAS presents the ARPAS Distinguished Professional Animal Scientist Award for 2015 to Dr. Lonnie W. Luther. Pictured from left to right: Dr. Cummings, Dr. Luther, and Dr. Scott Lough.

Dr. David Ames 

David Ames entered Ohio State in the fall of 1960 and earned his B .S. degree and M.S. degree in 1964 and 1966, respectively. Following two quarters of teaching, he accepted the Ralston Purina graduate fellowship and entered Michigan State University, where he obtained a dual degree in animal husbandry and physiology in 1969.

He joined the faculty in the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry at Kansas State University in January 1969, where he had a teaching and research appointment working for Dr. Don Good. At Kansas State, he was in charge of the sheep program and taught courses in Livestock Management, Livestock and Meat Evaluation, and Environmental Physiology. 

Dr. Ames’ research efforts were in the area of climatic effects on performance and nutrient requirements of animals. He edited the National Research Council’s publication, “The Effect of Environment on Nutrient Requirements of Domestic Animals” and developed widely used wind chill tables for livestock.

He was awarded the National Animal Management Award by the American Society of Animal Science in 1982 and in 1983 was selected to be a Diamond Jubilee author for the American Society of Animal Sciences’ 75th Anniversary.

Dr. Ames assumed the Department Head position at Colorado State University in 1982, where he headed a comprehensive program emphasizing beef cattle, sheep and horses. Dr. Ames is particularly proud of the faculty at Colorado State and in the Department’s philosophy of integrated management. During his tenure, the Department received over five million dollars in gifts, including the Endowed Monfort Professorship and the One Bar Eleven Ranch including a 400-head herd of commercial Angus cows located near Encampment, Wyoming. 

Dr. Ames’ philosophy supports strong clientele relationships and emphasizes service to stakeholders including students. He returned to the faculty July 1, 1999 after 17 years as Department Head and retired from CSU in 2009. 

He is a director of the National Western Stock Show, Past President of the American Society of Animal Sciences, Past President of American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists and has served as a national officer of Alpha Gamma Rho. He is a Professor Emeritus remaining active in animal agriculture and visits the Department on a regular basis.

Dr. Ames will be presented his award at the Colo/Wyo/Neb Chapter’s annual meeting “High Plains Nutrition Roundtable”, being held in Lingle, WY on September 10th, 2015 by current ARPAS Past President Dr. Jack E. Garrett.